Category: Red Wine

Storing Red Wine in Wine Bottle Refrigerators

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When you think of wine bottle refrigerators, chances are, you think of storing white wine there. In North America, most people are accustomed to serving red wine at room temperature and white wine chilled. This is actually not necessarily the best way to go.
You see, red wine is meant to be served at room temperature . . . but not the room temperature that we are accustomed to. Consider that for centuries, wine was stored in wine cellars, which were almost always underground. If they were not built below the earth, then they were in heavily walled rooms without windows, providing a cooler “room temperature”.
These days, our homes are fairly warm and not really suitable for wine storage. Since the vast majority of people don’t own a wine cellar, we need to improvise. Wine bottle refrigerators offer a carefully controlled climate that you decide. It will help the wine mature correctly and provide better flavor, since the temperature is just right and these refrigerators are built to eliminate the harmful vibrations that most kitchen fridges have.
Not everyone will need a wine refrigerator, of course. If you are someone who rarely drinks wine, then it probably isn’t necessary. However, if you drink or serve wine on a regular basis, at least twice a month, you should definitely consider investing in one.
Your red wine will have a fuller body to it, better flavor and more complex components when stored at the correct temperature. Every wine expert knows that your red wine should not be kept at the average room temp, but at around 55-60°F / 12.7-15.5°C. This mimics the coolness of a wine cellar where your wine would be allowed to mature at a gentle rate.
Most people don’t realize just how bad it is for their wine to be kept in the kitchen fridge or pantry. If you plan to use it for cooking, go ahead and do that, but if you want to really get the most out of your evening cup, then you need to take a little better care. Whether your wine is the finest Italy has to offer, a Chilean brand or something you whipped up yourself, it is vital that it be stored correctly.
There’s no reason to ruin a great bottle of red wine. If you don’t have an adequate place to store your wine, it is time to consider investing in a wine bottle refrigerator that will allow you to maintain those bottles at the proper temperature in a cool, dark environment.

Red Wine Health Benefits

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“French Paradox” may be the reason which might have sparked the interest of numerous people in red wine, considering its health benefits. This is the reason of which we may normally find a lower rate of heart related diseases in France. As such the diet of the French people is highly rich in fats, but then this seems to be against their good health, doesn’t it! Also the French people are highly found of eating more of cheese, butter, and beef as compared to their neighbors in Europe.

But now one general question which may arise in your mind is that in spite of taking a food so high in fats, how they can keep themselves away from the heart troubles. Answer is simple. According to many researchers, their food along with a lot of fats also consisted of a reasonable amount of red wine intake as compared to the rest of Europeans, and for that matter, even Westerners. Thus, this opened many windows for the researchers to study regarding the health benefits of consuming red wine, which was the answer to the above mentioned puzzle. So after conducting several thorough research, they found out that a temperate intake of red wine (one glass in case of women, and may be two in case of men) indeed helped one to protect himself/herself against diseases related to heart, cancer, and hypertension. Also it has a constructive effect over cholesterol levels.

But again, the key to this game is “moderation”. This isn’t really a case where one is good, two better, and ten best! But then, every coin always has two faces. Hence, the medical society is very vigilant to suggest red wine routines, and for some obvious reasons. Various studies have shown that in case of women who consumed alcohol daily were prone to be the potential victims of breast cancers.

As per a report in 2004 by the American Society of Cancer, the increase in the death rate due to breast cancer was 30% high in case of women who consumed alcohol daily. But if the consumption is only at the most two drinks every day, then the risk of diseases related to heart lowers from 30% to 50%. And since heart disease is the major slayer annually in case of women, these facts and figures happen to be important. Hence, if taken in a limit, wine has an overall positive impact on the female death ratio.

Scientists have pinpointed the beneficial element in red wine which is called resveratrol. Recent studies have dubbed resveratrol as an anti-aging miracle supplement.

Red Wine Types

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Red wine has a lot of different types, among which, the most popular include Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. Moreover, some specific types of red wines are better if you use them together with particular foods like fish or meat.


How do you know if that Burgundy you ordered is matched well with your food? And how about the light-bodied or full-bodied wines that wine lovers always talk about? So if you are like most people who do not know anything about wines and food and wine pairings, here is a short guide on the different types of red wine.


There are eight major types of red wine: Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Syrah or Shiraz, and Zinfandel.


Starting with the most popular, Cabernet Sauvignon is considered to be one of the most well-known red wine varieties. It is also described as full-bodied, meaning that its flavors are fuller and more complex than others. The cabernet sauvignon grape variety, from which the Cabernet Sauvignon wine is taken from, can be blended with merlot or cabernet franc varieties. It can also be a varietal wine, meaning it only used a single grape variety. Cabernet Sauvignon is best paired with red meat.


Merlot is also one of the most popular types of red wine. People who are new to wine tasting usually start with Merlot. It is good for introducing wine tasters to other stronger types of red wine. Merlot is less tannic than Cabernet Sauvignon, and has herbal flavors. You can also pair any kind of food with Merlot.


One of the most difficult grapes to grow is the pinot noir variety, from which Pinot Noir red wine comes from. Pinot Noir is rarely blended; it is usually a varietal wine. This is because of the soft, light tannic taste. It is also known for its fruity aroma, and often it smells like damp leather or tea leaves. Pinot Noir is a very good match for chicken, salmon, and lamb.


Syrah, also known as Shiraz, is known to produce the darkest types of red wine with complex and intense flavors. It can both be a blended wine or a varietal wine. Syrah also has a high tannin level and high acidity. Wine drinkers could usually taste strong blackberry flavors when drinking Syrah. Syrah is an excellent wine for meat because of its tannic flavors.


Just like merlot, malbec is usually blended with other grape varieties, such as cabernet blanc, cabernet sauvignon, and petit verdot. As a varietal, Malbec is a dark and inky wine that tastes like berries and plums. Malbec is great with meat just like most red wines.


Zinfandel is considered to be the most versatile grape variety among types of red wine. It produces a strong-flavored red wine, but it can also produce a semi-sweet rose wine. Flavors associated with Zinfandel depend on the climate where the grapes were grown. For cooler climates it tastes more like raspberry, while for warmer climates there are notes of anise and pepper. Zinfandel can be paired with meals that have tomato sauce and barbecued and grilled meats.


The sangiovese grape variety originated from Italy. Sangiovese wine is known for its oaky flavor when it is stored in barrels, but fruity and a little bit spicy when it is young. It is the main component of the Italian wine Chianti, but it can also be made into a varietal wine. Being an Italian wine, it is perfect for Italian and Mediterranean food.


And last but not the least, there is barbera, which also originated from Italy. The barbera grape variety is the third most planted variety in Italy. Barbera is also known as a versatile type of red wine, with the aroma of blackberries, and flavors of berries and plums. Aging can also add an oaky flavor to the wine. Barbera also has high acidity and is great for many kinds of food, just like Zinfandel.


Red Wine 101 ? The Basics and Benefits of Red Wine

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Red wine is one of the more popular types of wine and this wine is almost always synonymous to romance, passion, and love. Wine in itself is already a symbol of all these things and the deep red color of the wine only enhances this symbolism. Red wine can be purchased at specialty stores that sell just wine or even at your local grocery store.


Red wine can be sweet or dry. Apart from the taste that people enjoy, there are many health benefits when you drink red wine. Grapes are naturally rich in resveratrol, an agent that is known to raise HDL levels in the body. HDL is good cholesterol and resveratrol also helps prevent blood clotting. In studies, it has shown that red wine can even lower your risk of heart disease by preventing plaques from forming in the arteries and by assisting in the healing of damaged blood vessels.


The recommended intake of red wine is one glass per day for women and two glasses per day for men. This is of course considering that you are already drinking alcoholic beverages. If you are not a habitual drinker, do not immediately change your drinking habits and take wine daily. This can even be harmful as this has been associated with the risk of cancer and weight gain due to empty calories when drinking wine. If you choose to add red wine to your diet, then gradually increase your intake over the course of a few months. This will allow your body to adjust to the processing of the alcohol.


There are many grape varieties that produce many varieties of red wine as well that are truly distinct from one another. Barbera is a red wine grape variety that has the same attributes as Merlot. A classic Italian red wine, Barbera has a silky texture and is best to be paired with tomato-based dishes. Zinfandel also works best with tomato-based dishes but also with grilled meats. This grape variety produces a red wine that has a zesty zing to it, almost spicy. Cabernet Sauvignon is the one that popularized the red wine and meat pairing. Perfect for almost any meat dish, this variety is full-bodied and its rich taste is due to its oak treatment.


Red wine will always be present no matter what the occasion is. Whether it is a delightful reunion with the family, a romantic candlelit dinner, or just enjoying an elegant dinner treat for yourself, the presence of red wine will truly add a splash of color and romance in every meal.


And just as with any other alcoholic beverage, drinking in moderation should be done because even if there are many health benefits that you can get, too much can be bad for you. Drink moderately and remember to enjoy your company no matter what type of wine or wine and food pairing that you have. After all, wine can only be enjoyed whenever you savor the moment, whether alone with your crystal glass or with the company of family and friends.

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Resveratrol – The Red Wine Pill

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The French consume fat-loaded, calorie-rich pastries baked in the oven which are not good for the health. However, they are less possible to depart this life from cardiovascular disease than Americans. It is known as the “The French Irony,” assumed to be connected to a rewarding substance present in red wine. At this moment, a research proves that a red wine pill gives extra well-being advantages than taking so many glasses of wine.

At Harvard Medical School, Dr. David Sinclair has come up with a potent type of the substance. He has tried the results on rodents and assumes it will assist to counteract the result of excessive fat diets, lessen the risk of diabetes and delay aging in people. Rodents in their mid-lives were given a diet in which sixty percent of calories originated from fat. They formed symptoms of diabetes and expired much rapidly than rodents given a usual diet.

One more cluster of adult rodents was given similar diet together with the substance. This inhibited the start of diabetes and although overweight, they existed as extensively as those given a normal diet. It proved rodents could splurge during meals without suffering from negative results afterwards.

In France, at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Dr. Johan Auwerx proved that a normal rat could jog one kilometer on a treadmill. However, rats fed with the substance doubled the distance jogged and had a decelerated heart rate, same with trained sports persons. It makes you appear like a trained sportsperson with no training at all.

For a long time, practitioners have worries endorsing the fitness advantages of wine due to the societal troubles linked with too much consumption of alcohol. Today, the red wine pill permits people to obtain the advantages of wine with no calories or alcohol. Because fifty percent of patients with diabetes expire from heart attack, the product will optimistically help lessen the difficulty in the future.