Category: Red Wine
What is Resveratrol & Can I Drink More Red Wine?
Posted onWhen I first asked the question, What is Resveratrol I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it’s derived from the skin of a red wine grape. Surely this must just be another angle for red wine lovers around the world to justify their need to consume more of their favorite tipple. That may indeed be the case but now that a number of respected bio scientists and Oprah Winfrey are singing its praises I realized that there may be more to this interestingly named ‘health food’ than meets the eye.
After further investigation I discovered some interesting facts about the consumption of red wine that many of you may not realize. There have been a number of studies to support the theory that moderate consumption of wine cuts death rates by up to 40% per year. I’m sure if you’re a wine lover then you will have been well aware of these claims and happily recite them whenever your spouse questions your occasional over indulgence. Now that they have actually identified and named the component that plays a major part in this theory, it all starts to sound a lot more interesting.
Before you dash out to your local liquor store all this needs to be put into perspective. So far Resveratrol has only been successfully tested on rats, mice and other similar ‘non human’ type characters. I’m not sure how they actually tested the rats but part of me hopes they allowed them to sample at least a small glass of Cab Sav before they started dissecting them. Anyway, it appears that Resveratrol had the effects of lowering the blood sugar, removed brain plaque (don’t ask!), increased cardiovascular function and generally helped to increase their life span.
That’s all very well, I hear you ask, but does this mean that you can now continue to consume vast quantities of the red ‘falling over’ liquid and if challenged by any loved ones play the ‘medicinal purposes’ card? Well, you could always try, you do need to keep in mind though that whilst the Resveratrol component of your consumption may indeed prolong your life, give your more energy and keep your grey matter clear of tooth decay you will still need to survive the missiles and torrents of abuse from your ever loving spouse.
Hopefully this has provided you with a better understanding of how Resveratrol can improve your live (and relationships!), for those that need more to ‘quench their thirst’ this link will provide you with more handy information.
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Health Food Hoaxes – Is Red Wine Really Good For You?
Posted onIs red wine really good for you? Red wine is made from red grapes. Red grapes are powerful nutritional boosters and are loaded with antioxidants that slow down the aging process when eaten with other antioxidant type foods and on a consistent basis. But is wine created from grapes good for you? Absolutely not!
The amount of wine you would have to drink, to receive any nutrition value from the grapes, far exceeds the legal limit. And by then it surely would be counterproductive on your health since alcohol abuse is the cause of many health ailments.
Why Don’t They Tell Us That Grapes or Grape Juice Is Good For Us?
It is so discouraging to keep hearing how red wine is good for you. I bet the alcoholics just eat these advertisements all up. What happened to the part about how alcohol causes liver, brain, kidney, vein, skin, and eventually system failure? If they continue telling people how good wine is for your health it may very well create alcoholics in people.
Why don’t they make such a big fuss about how good red grape juice is for you? At least you can drink five glasses of grape juice and not be harming your health or anyone else’s health for that matter. Besides that you may even benefit from the antioxidant power of the grapes. Better yet, why not just go straight to the source? Grapes!!
Juice from Organically Grown Grapes Each Morning
Even better than concentrated grape juice is juicing your own grapes and other berries, or simply just popping those little red juicy berries right into your mouth. Juicing gives you the most antioxidant effect from the grapes? When you juice the grapes you are juicing the seeds right along with the grapes. The seeds and the skins carry the most antioxidant properties.
Now were talking-let’s get healthy! Red grapes are excellent for your health and juicing grapes three or more times a week may make your skin look better and may even make you feel better, if…if…if you are already eating a good daily diet. But grapes alone are not going to prevent disease anymore than drinking a glass or two of red wine each night will.
The key to good health is lifestyle. To get positively healthy one must participate in good eating habits and make it a regular lifestyle.
What Is The Big Deal About Reserveratrol Found In Grapes?
Last week 60 Minutes had a scientist raving about the anti-aging powers of an agent in grapes called reserveratrol that prevents disease and aging in mice. They are going to make a pill using reserveratrol and like magic this pill will make us look and feel younger, and help us to live longer too.
The seeds and skin of the grapes is where reserveratrol is found. Do you know how many natural foods have an agent in them that has the same antioxidant effect? Let me just name a few.
Kale, almonds, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, broccoli, apples, spinach, cabbage, strawberries, pomegranates, avocadoes, alfalfa sprouts, brussel sprouts, seaweed, and sweet potatoes. But wait, there’s more!
The pill is not natural. Would you rely on a pill to prevent disease? Why take an unnatural substance when you can eat your way to good health through natural foods? I don’t believe there will ever be a pill that will live for us. The best way to take control of your health and overcome disease is to take control of your health through personal responsibility.
That means to eat a good daily diet. Incorporate foods that are high in antioxidants together with eating a balanced whole foods diet. Exercise, de-stress, juice, sprout, and drink lots of pure water, and get plenty of sunshine on your skin.
Resveratrol Level – Highest in Grapes Or Red Wine?
Posted onRed wine has a higher Resveratrol level than white wine. This is due to the fact that red wines are fermented extensively with the grapes skin on, than the white wines. As a result, a lot of the antioxidants including the product’s substance that are naturally found in the grape peels are taken out into the wine.
Also, grapes cultivated in moist surroundings have a propensity to have more of the substance than grapes cultivated in more dry surroundings. The assumption at the back of these events is that grapes produced in damp locations make more of it so as to combat harmful fungus. Grapes produced in dry locations do not have to make so much of it to live.
Wines that have been discovered to contain some of the most levels of the substance are Muscadine wines which come from the Muscadine grapes local to the moist South Eastern US; and pinot noir, from the fine Vinifera grape local to Burgundy, France. However, it is successfully grown in Oregon, California, Washington State, and New York as well. Pinot noir cultivated in more damp areas have a tendency to contain more of it.
The substance is present in the peels, seeds, and Pomace of grapes, but it is present in utmost strength in the peels. In this way, it is present in grape juice at the same time. The prominent grape types with comparatively increased levels of it are pinot noir grapes, Muscadine grapes, and concord grapes.
In most cases, grapes are excellent resources of vitamins C, B6, and B1 also potassium and manganese. Grapes are a good resource of in between meal alternative when calculating calories. Concord grapes have approximately sixty calories per cup.
The quantity of the substance in products can broadly differ. In pills there can be as small as five milligrams each pill at a pureness of ten percent or lower. On the other side of the scale, there are pills that offer close to 1000 milligrams of the substance per pill at a pureness of 99 percent.
Resveratrol Extract From Red Wine – Benefits Observed in Animals and Humans
Posted onAnimal studies are one of the methods used by scientists and the research community use to determine the advantages and drawbacks of chemical compounds. From pharmaceutical drugs and medicines to nutritional supplements, active ingredients must first be tested in real subjects before confirmed benefits can be established. One such antioxidant currently being tested is called resveratrol. It is a compound found in nature; the skin and seeds of grapes, red wine, some fruits, and nuts. You’ll likely find a product with resveratrol extract in the form of vitamin capsules, tea, or accompanying acai berries in weight loss pills. But does it really work? The researchers have put this antioxidant to the test with some surprising results.
The French are known for their exquisite food and richly-saturated, high-fat meals. It has puzzled scientists and doctors alike because the average American diet is very much like that of the French, but with approximately 30% more instances of heart and cardiovascular disease. The medical community has now discovered, through a series of experiments using resveratrol extract in mice, that the red wine that you drink is the deciding factor in the health of the French person’s lifestyle. In a July 3, 2008 article published on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site, researchers reported that the affected obese mice showed less overall cholesterol levels, had stronger aortas, and developed fewer occurrences of heart and cardiovascular disease. This powerful compound seems to mimic some of the health phenomena that result from “caloric restriction”. This is the reason the French can eat the way they do and still remain relatively healthy throughout their lives.
Dr. Sinclair, who participated in the scientific study, cautioned that further studies must be done before associating a direct correlation between results in mice and that which would be experienced in humans. This is because the human body is a much more complex being than a mouse. The benefits of resveratrol extract were also observed in previous findings published, including a study dated June 3, 2008 by the Public Library of Science One. This study found that in addition to the benefits noted above, anti-aging effects were also observed in the animal subjects. This included alteration of the genetic expression of some factors involved in the cellular aging process in the body including slowed aging of cardiac cells.
Resveratrol extract is easy to buy from online stores from the comfort of home with as little as an Internet connection. But just like any other supplement, do the research prior to making a decision to add this supplement to your daily vitamin regimen. The Internet is a free source of reviews, contact information of the institutions that conducted the lab tests, and forums that allow visitors to post questions and read what others are saying. The research is clear; there are many health benefits associated with this amazing compound found in red wine!
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Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Diet – Red Wine
Posted onAs we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women’s menstrual cycle, it effects a women’s physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss how red wine effects women with premenstrual syndrome.
It is recommended that women with PMS drink no more than 150 ml red wine a day
I. Definition
Red wine is an alcoholic beverage made of fermented grape juice without adding sugar, acids, enzyme or other yeasts. Moderate drinking red wine has been existed in Mediterranean cuisines for thousand of year in improving blood circulation in the body and decreasing the risk of heart disease and strokes.
II. How red wine effects women with PMS
1. Blood tonic
(Any food with red color is considered as blood and heart tonic in some traditional medicine). Red wine, in fact helps to release the blood stagnation in the body tissues and organs including the reproductive system thereby, decreasing the risk of premenstrual pain and cramps caused by blood stagnation in the abdominal region and increasing the transportation of nutrients to the nervous cell resulting in lessening the risk of fatigue, loss of concentration, and dizziness.
2. Melatonin
Moderate drinking (no more than 1 cup a day) red wine helps to improve the melatonin hormone thereby, increasing the function of internal clock in regulating “when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up” and lessening the risk of insomnia.
3. Flavonoids
Besides best known for it antioxidants property, it contains epicatechin, quercetin and luteol which also help to increase the digestive function in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals which are found deficient in women with PMS and inhibiting tumour growth.
4. Polyphenols
Red wine contains polyphenols which is a powerful antioxidant containing a polyphenolic substructure it has been used in combating neurodegenerative , some cardiovascular diseases. It also contains a chemical agent having anti-aging effects including slowing the process of skin wrinkling.
5. Resveratol
It also contains high levels of resvertol which is essential for immune system in inhibiting irregular cell growth and fighting against inflammation including the reproductive organs caused by cell oxidation.
finally, it recommend that you drink one to 2 cups of green tea to insure daily body detoxifying and increase production of stomach acid in absorbing vital vitamins and mineral. Green tea contains green tea oxidative agent, but is found to be absorbed by the body before reaching kidney.
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