Category: Syrah Wine
Slow Aging With Resveratrol Wine
Posted onRed wine has been proven to provide many health benefits, as noted through many clinical trials. The reason for this is the anti-oxidants found in it, as well as the red wine polyphenols, anthrocyanidins and Reseveratrol. Found in red wine and grapes, as well as other red fruits. Reseveratrol wine has been named the “Fountain of Youth”. It is a fat fighter, and has also been shown to help treat diabetes, heart problems and cancer.
Reseveratrol alone has proven to be about twenty to fifty times more effective an anti-oxidant when compared to Vitamin C. It acts as an anti-clotting agent that prevents the formation of blood clots. Blood clots are one major reason for heart attacks and strokes. It has also shown to help prevent some forms of cancer. Another benefit of Reseveratrol is that is helps increase the formation of dendrites in the brain.
One of the biggest advantages of taking Reseveratrol wine is that it is an anti-aging component, having shown to increase life span of middle-aged rice that were given low doses of the anti-oxidant. It was shown to have the same effects on their life span that a reduced calorie diet – with 20%-30% fewer calories – would have.
While Reseveratrol wine has many health benefits, red wine also contains alcohol, which is not recommended in large doses. Therefore, scientists have discovered a way of delivering the benefits of Reseveratrol wine through means other than red wine. You can now buy capsules that contain red wine polyphenols, grape seed extract and Reseveratrol and take these without worrying about the damage the alcohol in red wine would cause to your health.
One of the products available on the market that provides Reseveratrol wine to you in a capsule form is Pure ResV. This capsule is a great way to get all the benefits of Reseveratrol wine without having to drink massive amounts of red wine.
One of the advantages of Pure ResV is that it is very useful in losing weight. When you purchase a trial bottle you also receive a subscription to two weight loss information services, namely Insider Secrets and Comprehensive Weight Loss. By using Pure ResV and the information in conjunction, you can lose weight fast and keep it off. The subscriptions will also provide tips and tricks for making tasty meals and getting the most out of your workout.
Another advantage of Pure ResV is that along with weight loss, it will help you get healthy in a variety of ways. Your cardiac health will improve, and people will diabetes will be able to control their blood sugar levels easily. An additional advantage is that Pure ResV will help decrease the chances of you getting cancer.
Now you can get all the health benefits of Reseveratrol wine without any of the harmful effects of wine by using Pure Resv.
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Yeast – Nature’s Wine Maker
Posted onAs much pride as our world-famous wineries claim to have in their century-old establishments, the majority of the burden of wine making actually falls to a single-celled organism: yeast. In fact, much of the art of wine making is actually the art of feeding and nurturing the yeast. A famous quote from Dr. Roger Boulton from the University of California illustrates: “Ninety percent of wine making has nothing to do with the winemaker. All a winemaker is doing is preventing spoilage, introducing some unique style to the wine and bottling it.”
So what is yeast, and what is it doing? Yeast is a single-celled organism, a strain of fungus. It moves freely in the environment and when it finds nutrition it replicates quickly to form a colony. The earliest known usage of yeast was in ancient Egypt, where it was often used for bread making. In fact, anyone who has ever had to culture yeast for bread making will understand much of what it takes to be a winemaker.
There are many different kinds of yeast, and the ones generally helpful for wine making are of the genus Saccharomyces (Sakchar meaning sugar and Myces meaning fungus), of which there are over a dozen to pick from, each which adds different characteristics to wine. The yeasts of this genus consume the natural sugar found in fruit juice and transform it into almost equal parts of carbon dioxide and alcohol.And there’s the rub: without yeast, it’s just grape juice.
So then, if wine making is an art, then its primary tool is the ability to control yeast. Fresh pressed grape juice will typically already have dozens of different kinds of yeasts, as well as a number of other microbial invaders. If you left the juice as is, it would develop into wine on its own, though it would likely be over-alcoholic and undrinkable. To create a truly great wine, the winemaker must have a specific yeast in mind, introduce it at the right time, feed it and nurture it, and allowing it to die and be cleaned whilst preserving the fruits of its labor. This involves a rigorous control over temperature, humidity, and quality of fruit.
Over the many centuries since wine makers have bottled their products, they have been returning the old skins and seeds of crushed grapes (the pomace) to the vineyards to be used in fertilization. The grape skins are breeding grounds for yeast, and by returning yeast-rich pomace to the vines, vineyards have managed to subtly alter the natural yeasts that occur in their fields. Over time, the selected strain of yeast begins to dominate so rigidly that a winemaker can simply encourage spontaneous fermentation. Those making homemade wines don’t have this luxury, and even established vineyards may be centuries away from such a yeast domination.
So despite the vigilant claims of expert wine makers across the world, it’s obvious that the real master winemaker is yeast.
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Under Counter Wine Racks Save Space
Posted onUnder counter wine racks are small and compact designed to fit in tight spaces. You can find many different styles and sizes of under counter wine racks. This racking will be the most suitable for kitchens or under your wine bar.
There are many things that you must take into consideration when you are looking for the best under counter wine rack. The first is of course your budget and prices will vary. The price is generally going to be less expensive when it is smaller with less features, and will increase in price as the rack gets larger with additional features.
Some additional considerations that are very important will be the size of the space that you will be putting your under counter wine rack. Understanding your needs will help you narrow down your available choices and make your selection a bit easier.
In order to purchase the right wine rack that will go under your counter in your kitchen or behind your wine bar you will need to take the above things into consideration, as well as what type of wine that you will be storing in the unit. Wine storage is important to maintaining the quality of your wine whether it’s red wine or white wine. As opposed to an under counter wine rack, you may also want to consider a small wine cabinet instead which allows for the wine to be stored in a climate controlled environment.
You are going to have many choices of under counter wine racks to choose from and if you use the methods above then it should drastically cut down on the choices. Purchasing your wine rack online will save you money, but more importantly it will help you to determine the best model for you.
If you have a certain space you are trying to fill, you may need a custom wine rack. However, you should also look at a variety of modular or kit racking that is available. Many of the modular racks can be cut in height or width to allow for a customized under counter rack at a modular price!
Which Wine Goes With What?
Posted onMost everyone reading is now rolling their eyes. “Not THIS again!” So much fuss is made over pairings between food and wine, that you have to wonder what all the fuss is about, and whether it is possible for anyone to learn it in one lifetime. Do you just have to go to wine college and get a degree? Well, no, but it wouldn’t hurt…
Let’s try to skim this down to the basic elements: At the end, it’s all about you, your taste buds, and how much you care. If you think tilapia fried in olive oil is the best match for Cabernet, that’s all you. Nobody is more right about what you like than you are. And if you really want to appreciate the elegant art of matching food with wine, you should experiment anyway. How are you going to know why a buttery Chardonnay isn’t a good companion for prime rib beef, until you try it yourself? Go ahead and try new things; we promise that the Wine Police won’t come and haul you away!
There are the “by-the-book” wine snobs who have vast lists of food and wine pairings. At the other end of the spectrum are those who dismiss the whole school of thought as a lot of hot air. The truth, as you might expect, lies somewhere in the middle. And with many wine experts contradicting each other on specific cases, you would expect that there’s less science and more art to it.
Some basic rules of thumb: Either white wines go with fish and poultry and red with everything else, or else red wines go best with red meats (beef, pork, lamb) and white wines go with everything else. If only it were as simple as color-coding!
Here’s a better rule of thumb: Pair a strong-taste with a delicate taste. Another way to say this is “complex wines with simple foods, simple wines with complex foods”. You want the two to compliment each other. Think of how you wouldn’t wear a polka-dot shirt with a striped tie, but rather match a solid color to a pattern.
As with clothes, you also don’t want the tastes of food and wine to clash. Use the same common sense that tells you which foods match together. A sweet dinner of crab’s legs and lobster tail will be great with a Chardonnay, which is sweet and delicate. A grilled T-bone steak wants a hefty, fruity wine with a kick to compliment it; time for a Bordeaux! But in some cases, contrast is more important. Liver is a strong, lingering taste, so it needs a modest, mild, contrasting compliment, rather than a match which would be overpowering; how about a Pinot Noir or any burgundy that isn’t too demanding?
The “red with red” rule is so consistent that it even applies to things other than meat: For pasta, match a red wine to a tomato-based red pasta sauce, and a white to a white Alfredo-type sauce. The same goes for sauces on vegetables. As for vegetables themselves, once again we should go for matching simple for simple with complex for complex.
Cheeses are another broad area. Anything goes. Most wine experts in fact like to have a wide array of cheeses and wines so they can mix and match. As with playing chords on a musical instrument, there isn’t always an absolutely right or wrong answer. This goes for cheese sauces and fondues, too.
The purpose of this little spiel is to demystify the world of wine for the common person. Hopefully, you’ve gleaned enough hints from here to have a basic concept of what’s going on. If you want to pursue the subject deeper, there’s whole encyclopedias devoted to this subject. And if you find yourself dining with companions who barely tolerate your wine drinking, let alone putting up with a rule-book wine bore, you’ll still be loose enough to relax and not be so stuffy about it.
Plum Wine For Ripe Plum Flavor
Posted onFlavor of fruits, especially that of ripe plums is the favorite one of all. However, season for plums is limited, and you will have to wait for another season. Still, there is a way to help you taste the ripe plums, that is plum wine.
The plum wine that we are talking about is seldom mentioned by professional wine aficionados because this wine has not been created with wine grapes. There are some people who will let you know that even though plum wine is not considered as a true wine, it does have a lovely flavor and you can even make this wine at home.
For this reason there are quite a few plum wine recipes that can be found on the internet. These recipes can range from the simple plum wine recipe to the highly complex looking plum wine recipe. For these plum wine recipes you should have some ripe plums that have a rich taste to them. There are a few other items that you will need to have when you start making your plum wine.
The main ingredients for a good plum wine include ripe plums, tannin, yeast, water, sugar or light honey, yeast nutrient, Champagne or Montrachet yeast, peptic enzyme and Campden tablets to kill off any excess bacteria that could be present in the plum wine. Once you have all of these ingredients you will need to find a good recipe to get the correct measurements. Follow the instructions and hopefully you will have a good plum wine that you can drink once the fermenting process and aging time has finished.
There is another way that you can enjoy drinking plum wine. This plum wine that you can find is that of the Japanese version. The Japanese plum wine is called ume-shu. The taste of this plum wine is slightly sweet and sour. The Japanese plum wine has been drunk with meals as an aperitif for over 1000 years in Japan. Since the Japanese plum wine is made from green Ume plums and white alcohol. It contains potassium and calcium, and is also said to be good for your health.
I am sure that while you may have never heard of plum wine before this you can now appreciate the fact that many people have drunk some form of plum wine. The difference in the Japanese and western plum wine is clear but they both have a delicious taste that you will always remember.
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