Easy Wine Making At Home
Posted onOne day while surfing the web I saw an ad for wine making courses that said, “Easy Wine Making At Home”. Now that sounded interesting! Everyone always loves to come to my house to dine on awesome cuisine and enjoy a glass or two of the fruit of the vine.
Needless to say, I entertain a LOT. With all this fun going on my friends and I go through many bottles of wine each month.
I decided to give it a try and see how it might work out. I wanted to see just how easy a simple wine making course might be.
I could see myself barefoot stomping on a batch of grapes in some giant vat. If you are old enough, you might remember Lucille Ball’s famous TV skit from “I Love Lucy.” I would astound my friends with my own fruit of the vine creation!
Guess What!
I went to the website, printed out the recipe and started my “easy wine making at home” adventure. Confident that soon I would amaze my friends with a batch of my own delightfully tasting wine.
My first anchoring to reality was the realization that it would take some time before I could serve my homemade wine to all my friends. But, that didn’t stop me. I trudged on.
Finally, finally the wine was ready and I couldn’t wait to amaze my friends with my new found skill. It was all bottled and I had pasted some very attractive wine labels on the bottles. I was bursting with anticipation.
There was a surprise alright, but not what I had anticipated! We opened that first bottle, poured the wine into our sparkling crystal goblets. Before it reached the back of our throats we were all gagging and spitting, grabbing our throats and covering our mouths!
It was sour. Yuck, it tasted like alcoholic vinegar!
Luckily, we were all in the patio and my white rug was spared the red and purple stains. We got through it. After all the laughing and joking (about my wine!), we settled down with a bottle of wine from one of the local wineries.
Well we certainly had a great laugh. That was my first experience with home made wine. Nevertheless, we had a great time.
We did decide, however, that it would be a great idea to learn the art of wine making. So, we decided to search for wine making courses that we could really depend on.
A Toast
A couple of years have gone by and now we are all enjoying our own home made delicious tasting wine. Yes, we did learn how to make our own wine. We found an easy step-by-step guide and a coach that guided us through the art and the science of homemade wine making.
I can tell you this, you will not find a better tasting hobby than wine making at home. Here’s to you! Enjoy the fruit of the vine!
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