Grape Wines
Posted on by RickieDiverse Drinks: Red vs. White Grape Wines
Grapes wines are known for their long record with human kind. From the ancient Greeks who wrote great epics centered about wine, to the wine-loving French that mysteriously never gain pounds even when their diet is full of saturated fat. And the list of the varieties of such wines is about as long as their history; with each kind of wine being in a class of its own.
But if you must simply divide the wine according to its purpose and taste, a choice between white wine and red wine would be the most appropriate difference between them.
While it may be an oversimplification to group all the grapes wines in the world into twocategories, most wines that come from grapes can be prepared in two ways: fermenting them with the skins, or without the skins. The former produces red wine, and the latter produces white wine.
Here is a quick breakdown of the two main differences between red wines and white wines.
Red wines are called red wines not because they are blue or black or orange or pink: it is because they are red. From deep hues of red to lighter color tone of red, all grapes wines that are dark and opaque are called red wines. This is because of the tannins in the grape skins that dyes the wine red, and gives red wine its unique color. Now take note that a few red wines may appear bluish or even blackish, but shine a light through them and you will see a shade of red there somewhere.
While red wine is called red, white wine is called white not because of its color, but its lack thereof. White grapes wines are fermented without the skin; only the pulp of the grapes is left to ferment in the vats. This causes the solution to be clear, as most grape pulp is clear and transparent. Without any skin to provide the tannins, the white wine then does not gain color: making it clear by nature.
Because of the presence of a high amount of tannins in the solution, red wines have a distinctly stronger and more complex taste; often to the disliking of newcomers to the wine scene. This heavy, strong taste makes red wine go well with foods that are equally strong and complex in nature. Beef, lamb, duck, sausages, and other meats are prime matches for red wines.
Conversely, the lack of tannins in white wines gives them a tangy, almost fruity flavor. This makes them easier to the palette, and goes well with foods that are light in flavor too. It helps you savor the taste without overpowering the taste buds, like what red wines tend to do. This makes white wines ideal for meals with chicken, seafood, turkey and other light foods.
Remember, there are many other types of grapes wines out there, and it would not do them justice to simply be grouped into these two very broad categories of red and white wine. Just learn to appreciate the flavor and texture of each wine, whether dark or transparvarietiesent, and you will eventually understand why this broad categorization simply will not be able to encompass all the wines out there in the world.
Tags: Grape, Wines
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