Growing Wine Grapes
Posted onWhile growing wine grapes, the basic thing to remember is that each grape variety is unique in its own way with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Grapes from the Vitis vinifera family are the most commonly used variety of grapes used for wine making. Usually this variety is found in Europe but there are varieties that are abundant in North America as well. The Vitis Labrusca is another popular variety and is commonly found in eastern parts of United States and Canada.
Success in growing wine grapes largely depends on suitable climatic conditions and the variety of vine you choose. These are the most important factors in growing wine grapes which ultimately decide the quality of grapes. Extreme climatic conditions may destroy the whole crop and it cannot be imagined how destructive it can be. Under ideal conditions such a variety should be chosen which ripens during the cooler temperatures instead of summers.
Though soil condition is important for any type of vineyard, they can still be manipulated by adding fertilizers and minerals. The most important thing is to provide necessary mineral content to the roots. You need to test the soil and see if it is free of toxic mineral content. Irrigation channels can be provided so as to make sure that that there is enough soil moisture level.
However, climatic conditions cannot be changed and the only way you can probably provide somewhat better climatic condition is by application of greenhouse transplant. So make sure that the fruit varieties you choose have a proven track record of growing properly in the climatic zone you wish and desire to grow your wine grapes. This will help you greatly in improving your chances of an excellent harvest of grape wine.
It may so happen that you don’t have an alternative. However, in case you are successful in choosing your area for growing wine grapes, care should be taken to avoid such areas where there are very low winter and spring temperatures. Moreover you should also avoid such areas where there is frequent or excessive change in temperatures or there are early frost fall.
Avoid Vine Direction Disasters
Since frost plays a very destructive role in growing wine grapes, you should see to it that you don’t choose lowlands for cultivation since these are the areas where frost hits the hardest. Usually frost settles in these areas first and remains there for a long time. For growing grape wines it is better to choose slopes facing south as there is a bit more sunshine. In areas of high rainfall slopes facing east are better as the rising sun dries the slopes faster. This helps in reducing diseases caused due to accumulation of moisture.
Three crucial factors are to be kept in mind while speaking about climate:
The climate of the region: this includes humidity and temperature range.
The climate of the site: includes drainage and slope.
The climate of grape vine: includes environment within a specified area like a cluster and canopy.
The place you choose should have a long growing season so that vines properly mature. It means that there should be enough sunlight while the fruit ripens because sunlight is most essential while the fruit ripens.
Though it may seem as if there are a number of things to consider, be assured that the plant needs your attention not just once. After they are put in the ground the grape plants only need pruning from time to time. You should be able to find out the right place for growing wine grapes. Though it may take some time, but once you have found it, half the task is done. The next step is to choose a grape variety that suites that particular climatic condition. You can also ask for expert guidance from experienced grape and vineyard growers which would take you to the path of success.