Making Homemade Wine
Posted onMaking homemade wine is a tradition that many people still continue today. Many people assume that making wine is a difficult process and I am here to tell you that it is not. Making home brew is simple but it can be time consuming and once you start it is hard to stop and what was once a small hobby becomes more like an obsession.
There are definite tools of the trade and instructions you should follow in order to make your wine taste great and that is safe from bacteria or other harmful things that could stand in your way of great wine making. Also, you should realize that you are not stuck just making grape wine, you can use any fruit juice you wish and make any blend that sounds good to you! Creating the perfect blend of fruit and flavor can open up a whole new world for you in regards to wine.
To start making your own homemade wine you will need some basic tools. It is EXTREMELY important that you follow all sanitation guidelines for your tools during the wine making process. Harmful bacteria can quickly ruin a perfect batch of wine, not to mention make you sick, so be sure to be careful when handling and sanitizing all tools used during the process. Here is a list of tools you will need:
Turkey Baster
Old wine bottles (for final product, sterilized)
Siphon (vinyl tubing)
Sanitizer (bleach or other recommended alternatives)
A plastic water bottle or glass jug (unscratched on the inside)
Rubber stopper (#8 or #9)
Airlock (balloon, PVC pipe, or commercial airlock)
Stirrer small enough to fit through opening of bottle
This is a basic list to make simple wine, but you can also make very complex wine with just these simple tools. There are many companies today that provide you with kits and that is perfectly fine, but you can also make your wine with the things you have laying around your house already. Either way, once you have your equipment you are ready to begin the fun part!
By this time you probably already know the flavor of wine you want to make and no matter what the flavor you will be needing the juice from the fruit or fruits you choose to use. You can get this juice from one of two ways. You can either buy the juice from the store making sure that it does not contain additives other than Vitamin C, or you can make your own juice from the raw fruit. You will need a few other ingredients such as sugar, yeast and possibly the following chemicals:
Potassium Sorbate
Sodium/Potassium Metabisulfite
Yeast Nutrient
Be careful of allergies when using any substances for your wine making endeavors. There are some substitutions that can be made so do your research!
Now find a recipe to follow and do that to the letter and you will soon be drinking your own special homemade wine. Many recipes can be found by doing a simple search on-line. Soon you will understand the basics and be able to make your own recipes!
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