Reaping Red Wine Benefits Without the Alcohol – Resveratrol Capsules
Posted onThe interest and attention given to the health benefits of red wine is not the alcohol part but the antioxidant part of it, the anthrocynadins, polyphenols and resveratrol. Resveratrol particularly has been shown to be a very powerful antioxidant, around 50 times as effectual as Vitamin C alone. Anti-clotting effects, anti-cancer, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties are few of the many properties that this particular compound boasts of.
While alcohol doesn’t have any health benefits in the body and only introduces harmful toxins in your body, you might want to separate the alcohol part of wine and remain with the resveratrol to reap the benefits. Well, you can reap the maximum benefits of red wine and more without the alcohol. The experts have made this vital compound available in its natural form as a capsule supplement, with high concentrations of resveratrol to help you reap the benefits of red wine minus alcohol.
The best part of this is that the resveratrol capsules are available at a tiny fraction of what it would cost you to derive the same quantity when got from a good quality red wine. Actually, the cost of a monthly dose of resveratrol capsule might be equivalent to a single quality red wine bottle. The recommended dosage of resveratrol capsules is one or two in a day. If however you still want to take the red wine or any other alcoholic beverage, trust resveratrol capsules to counter the alcohol intoxication effects.
One notable advantage of resveratrol capsules among many others is the instant energy that they provide. The body gets tired because the tissues and cells are burdened with the work of damage repair. But due to the potent antioxidant properties of resveratrol, you’ll feel young, and more gigantic and energetic because these capsules will introduce antioxidants that will fight free radicals, do the damage repair work thus free your cells and tissues.