Resveratrol and Health – The Benefits of Red Wine
Posted onThe subject of red wine and resveratrol health has been covered by the media many times. There have also been many studies and research conducted to show what the effect of wine is on our health. It has been demonstrated that the substance resveratrol that is found in red wine has health benefits. There are various other anti-oxidants present in wine such as polyphenols.
Resvetrol has been shown to be a highly effective anti-oxidant. It performs nearly 20-50 times more effectively than vitamin C alone. In the body, resveratrol works with vitamin C and effectively enhances the benefits of both substances. The main effect that resveratrol has on the human body is it’s ability to help prevent blood clotting in the blood vessels. This reduces the chances of being afflicted by heart problems. Studies have also shown that resveratrol also helps to fight cancer.
Extensive research in this subject has successfully shown that people who consume a lot of red wine suffer a lot less from heart disease and cancer in comparison to those who do not drink the “health nectar”. Studies have also shown that the formation of new dendrites in the brain is helped by drinking red wine.
Resveratrol and polyphenols are found mostly in the leaves, skin and bark of grape vines and red wine is made up using all these components so is rich in these substances. White wine, on the other hand, does not have the same benefits as it is made from pressed juice of only grapes.
There is, however, still the alcohol content in a bottle wine to consider. Research has yet to show any benefit of consuming alcohol. In fact, research has demonstrated that alcohol consumption can be severely damaging for health and is associated with weight issues, high blood pressure and heart problems. To take advantage of the health benefits offered by red wine, pharmaceutical manufacturers have extracted the resveratrol and polyphenols from the wine and you may buy them in capsules.
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