Tag: Egypt
Wine Investment In Egypt
Posted onWine investment can be divided into two guidelines: the domestication of grapevines and the trade of wine. The history of wine dates back to the Early Bronze Ages. Investing in wine derives from the time of Greece and Rome. It is still not known, the place from where the original grape vine was delivered. It was discovered that man has been drinking for over 5,000 years. There is a lot of archeological evidence that proves that wine was used as a tribute to the pagan gods and was considered a beverage of the gods. It is the oldest known agricultural product, which has passed through the whole development of civilization.
The first evidence of wine investing dates back seventy centuries ago, to the time of an unknown Egyptian Pharaoh. In the bare tomb was placed several statuettes which represented slaves who served their dead Royal Master. One of the servants on the figure stumbled upon a wine jar. It is thought that the birth of the human civilization came along with the wine. The Egyptian shaman attributed wine in honor of their gods and especially of their noble god Osiris, the son of Heaven and Earth.
The Egyptians domesticated white and red sweet grapes. The best vineyards were situated along the river valley of the Nile. The papyri which were historical manuscripts tell us about the celebrated wine of Anthylla, sought near the Lake Mare Otis. Cleopatra herself used to drink this kind of wine when she was with Antony. No one knows whether Cleopatra or the perfect taste of her wine bewitched him. The Egyptian court was well known for the great amounts of wine that were consumed. Investing in wine became a necessity to satisfy their needs. Later on wines were imported from Ethiopia, Syria and Palestine.
The plants were cultivated like creepers up the trees. This method is still used in some parts of Italy. The great problem was with the irrigation. It was done by hand. The other problem was the pruning. In these times it wasn’t well known. The vineyards were pruned by goats, tied to the vines. Those days the wine was made in a simple way. The gathered grape was trodden by feet. After that the marc was pressed in sacks. The wine was stored in earthenware amphorae, which were large vases, for fermentation. Then the beverage was filtered. Each amphora was painted with resin in order to make it smooth.
The ordinary Egyptians didn’t have the opportunity to drink wine. The beverage intended for the public was a kind of mix of palm wine and beer. Only the Pharaoh, the shaman and the soldiers had the honor of drinking the beverage of the gods. Through all these centuries the wine was the best of all beverages. Investing in wine in Egypt proves that it was highly appreciated, even by the Pharaoh. There are a lot of founded paintings that represent scenes about the wine showing a part of the Pharaoh’s daily life. Wine investment has continued through all these years as an undying thirst for not only the gods but for all mankind.
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