Tag: History
History of Wine Making
Posted onThe history of wine can be classified into four periods: the Ancient Times, the Dark Ages, the New World and the Modern Days.
Ancient Times
Mesopotamia. Evidence of grape cultivation and wine production were found dating as far back as 6000BC.
Egypt. Egyptians made first records of grape harvest and wine making. Wine was regarded a measurement of one’s social status and is used for religious rituals.
Greece. Wine played an important part in the religion of ancient Greece particularly attributed to the god Dionysus. It was also regarded as a social drink for the privileged upper class.
Rome. Wine making technology was considerably improved and wine became available even to the common people.
China. The Chinese initially used wild grapes for their wine, cultivation of grapes didn’t start until after Zhang Qian’s exploration to Western Kingdoms where he acquired vines. Wine from grapes was therefore considered exotic and were reserved only for the Emperor’s consumption.
Dark Ages
Following the decline of Rome, the Christian Church became a staunch supporter of wine necessary for celebration of the Catholic Mass while Muslim chemists pioneered the distillation of wine for medicinal purposes.
Middle East. Alcoholic drinks were prohibited, but alcohol production particularly wine, have thrived. Egyptian Jews leased vineyards from the Fatimid and Mamluk governments and produced wine for sacramental and medicinal use. Christian monasteries in Levant and Iraq cultivated grapes and distributed their vintages to taverns located inside monastery grounds. Zoroastrians in Persia and Central Asia also engaged in wine production, though not much is known regarding their wine trade. However, they are known for their taverns.
Medieval Europe. Benedictine monks were one of the largest producers of wine in France and Germany, followed closely by the Cistercians. The Templar, and Carmelite orders were also notable wine producers.
New World
New World wines came to a rise and challenged Old World wines in the 19th century.
The Americas. Grapes were brought to what is now known as Latin America by Spanish conquistadores. Succeeding waves of immigrants imported grapes from France, Italy and Germany.
American wine was generally looked upon as inferior to European product until the latter half of the 20th century; New World wine began to gain respect after a surprising showing at the 1976Paris Wine tasting.
Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Until late in the 20th century, Australia exported mostly to the United Kingdom while New Zealand kept most of its wine internally and South Africa was closed off to much of the world market due to apartheid.
Modern Days
Wine making developed greatly in terms of scientific background therefore allowing a lot of things that were once impossible to be accomplished. Wine makers of this day are now able to gain total control of every stage in wine making. The challenge now for wine makers is to produce wine for a much larger market without losing the character and distinct flavor of their wines. More and more countries are now producing more varieties of wine and advances in technology will ensure that such trend will continue.
The Short History of Malbec Wine Grapes
Posted onGeography and History
Malbec wine is in popularity for last forty years.
The major cause is the name. It is known under many diverse names which Malbec wine is at France means too little. Oxford Companion for Wine lists few 400 synonyms for the Malbec so it should have been very popular at certain stage. But now it is known as the minor blending varieties.
Another nail at coffin for the French Malbec came along with disastrous frosts during 1956. This provided the perfect excuse for re-planting some fashionable & robust varieties. But it isn’t all bad as well. Malbec is a dominant red varietal at Cahors region. Appellation Controlee systems for Cahors requires minimum content of seventy percent Malbec in wines created from an area.
Only historic reference to Malbec shows that it’s coming from surname of Hungarian peasant who 1st spread the variety all over France and further afield. During 1869 Professor Poet introduced the Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot cutting from Bordeaux till Argentina. In a warm & dry Southern American climate it flourish & soon thriving all over. Argentina & Chile. Ironically, Argentina ‘vine pull’ program at 1980’s left 11,000 acres of the Malbec in a ground. That is now back till 26,000 acres producing astonishing rich, complex, ink wines with smoother tannins & ripeness Europe may only dream about. In contrast, these 25 thousand acres with roughly 150 thousand acres of the Malbec in ground prior to ‘vine pull’ & you may better appreciate certain loss.
Chile appears to have escaped madness & it is now Chile’s 3rd most largely planted variety. On contrast Australia have just 1,230 acres of the Malbec in a ground at 2002 & that region has been lessening over the years.
1st mention of the Malbec in Australia arrives from 1901 where Himmelhoch establishes his own ‘Grodno’ vineyard in Liverpool nearby Sydney planted to Malbec and Shiraz.
As most famous grapes, Malbec moves under most different names however these are more commonly used when compared to others. In Bordeaux it is known as the Pessac or Cot, in French Alsace & Cahors regions it is called as Argentina, Auxerrois gives it a name of the Fer, Portugal refers that as Tinta Amarela & here at Australia we call it as Portugal Malbec.
Wine Characteristics
The major aromas from rich Malbec includes: cherry, plum, coffee, chocolate, raisins, leather & raspberry.
A key flavors which nice Malbec exhibits includes: plum, cherry, dried fruits, chocolate, and balsamic.
Aging at oak releases vanilla aromas & flavors.
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