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Make Your Unique Wine At Home
Posted onPrice of wine and spirits is increasing day by day. It is not legal to your own spirits and it is not so easy, needing some form of distillery equipment. But wine is different and of course easier to make.
My father always made his own wine, and whilst it was cheaper to make than to buy, there was a waiting time between brewing and drinking! Once made, however, you have 6 bottles of wine and as long as you begin a new brew about once every two weeks, you will never run out! The one thing you will find with making your own wine is that it does not taste the same as wine purchased at the store. Their wines are refined with this and that to give them a specific flavour, smell and overtone. Your wine will taste raw, and decidedly fruity.
So how easy and cheap is it to make your own wine? Well relatively cheap, and easy – although decidedly messy! You will need 4 or 5 gallon demi-johns (a large glass jar required for fermenting the wine), 6 bottles, corks, a corking machine, labels, tablets for clearing and yeast. These are basic equipment requirements and can be purchased for around £20 – that is 4 bottles of good wine. With this equipment you will make batch upon batch of delicious home made wine. All you pay for from now on is your ingredients!! You make back your £20 from the cash you will save from not buying wine from the store, and therefore with your first 6 bottle batch of wine you already begin to save money, afterwards you are saving £30 with each batch!
What ingredients do you need? Sugar is a must, as is yeast – these cost a few pounds. After that, your costs are whatever you want them to be! I have made wine from pineapples, grapefruit, raspberries, home grown strawberries, and best of all black currant cordial!!!!! This was my dad’s recipe, and I am now going to share it with you (luckily he doesn’t read my articles – I hope!):
1 large bottle of supermarket brand cordial (1 litre)
3 lb sugar
Yeast and nutrient
(These ingredients will cost £3 and will make 6 bottles of wine – it is a rose that is quite sweet and powerful, but smooth and well balanced also)
Dissolve the sugar in warm water add cordial and boil for 20 minutes – stirring frequently. This kills preservatives. Allow to cool. Pour into your demi-john. Add yeast and nutrient. When ferment dies down, top up to shoulder and continue to finish.
Leave it to ferment for around 8 weeks, somewhere warm but not hot. When you return to it, you will find a clear pink liquid that tastes just great. Not only is this a cheap wine to make, but also clears fantastically due to the fact that there is not any fruit pressing involved in the process and therefore no “bits” in the mixture.
You can now syphon it into the bottle and enjoy!! Let me know how you get on.
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Make Your Own Wine at Home
Posted onYour Supplies
The easy way to make your own wine would be to simply buy a kit to make your own wine. The prices are pretty steep but putting together your own supplies and totally doing it on your own can be a lot of fun. You will need: A few five gallon buckets to make and store the wine (some should have air locks for the fermentation process); a winepress (optional); a hydrometer to take readings of sugar and alcohol; a destemmer; a siphoning hose and some bottles, corks and a corker. Sterilize everything before you begin to make your wine.
Grapes (of course!)
I normally make roughly 5-6 gallons per batch when I make wine at home. This should give you about 24 bottles of wine. You are going to need quite a lot of grapes. You will need about 45 pounds of grapes. If you want, winemaking supply stores also sell bottled grape juice just for making wine at home.
Juice Those Grapes
You can obviously skip the step of making grape juice if you’ve bought the bottled juice. If not get that winepress working if you have one or start squishing grapes! Please note that red wine grapes must be fermented with the skins for several days before juicing.
Prep Your Juice
So you have you juice, now take out your hydrometer and take a reading of your sugar content. Check to see if the alcohol scale reads between 9% and 13%. If you are below that level add some sugar until your hydrometer gives you the green light to continue.
Pour the juice into an open container about halfway. Next add yeast nutrient, pectic enzyme and potassium bisulfite. Wait a day and then gently sprinkle yeast (one package every 5 gallons) into your container. Let the fermentation process begin! Bubbling will occur in about 12 hours. Make sure you stir daily and have your containers lightly covered with a clean cloth.
And Again
You are almost there after five or six days. Move your fermenting juice into a clean bucket with an air lock. The sediment from the first bucket should stay there! Be carefull. Take another hydrometer reading to let you know if you are done fermenting. Almost there. Your wine will start to separate from the sediment at this point and needs to be taken out. This can take quite a while; several weeks to maybe even months.
Bottle Your Batch
After your liquid has cleared prepare for bottling. I usually strain my wine before bottling to remove any left over sediment. This is not necessary but a good habit to have I feel. Siphon the wine into your bottles, cork them and store them in a nice cool, dry place until you want to drink. Age it as you see fit. Enjoy!!
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Making Wine at Home
Posted onPeople’s love for wine has extremely grown today. Not just in some countries but all over
the world. This is reason enough that the need to know how to make homemade wine is
tremendously increasing for personal consumption. Wine making equipment and supplies
today are readily available in stores anywhere. It allows wine lovers to make it possible
for themselves to stack their wine racks with their own homemade wines. The best thing
you get in making wine by yourself is fulfillment and contentment for the efforts spent.
For many years people have tried making their wines especially red and white wines at
home and have failed. As more people have tried to make this a hobby the materials,
supplies and recipes are being improved. The wine making kits help a lot and more
people learn to love and make home wine making their leisure and gratification. There
could even be times when some group of wine lovers exchange recipes to improve the
flavor of their own batches. How one person appreciates his/her homemade wine would
not be the same as how others would also value theirs. However, the kits available for
making homemade wine help make unswerving and dependable results so that more
people would enjoy the same wine.
For special family occasions like Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, reunions and other
more wine makers and lovers may make special wines in preparation for these occasions.
This would make the special day enjoyable. As you look forward to the gathering, you
can time the preparation of your vintage as you know when to bottle and how long the
aging period is in time for the occasion. You also will reap financial benefits by making
your own wine at home. Wine connoisseurs will only tell you that the more expensive
the wine the better it tastes, but this is not true all the time. The more you keep on
making your own home made wine soon you will be able to produce an excellent and
exceptional tasting wine.
Normally, the more you learn about something the more you learn to appreciate its
complexities. The more you would love to do it. The same thing goes with wine
making at home, the more you learn to make it, the more you will love to do it.
As you keep doing this, in just a short period of time you’ll find yourself into that hobby
and wine making at home will be your passion then. You will absolutely enjoy it, even
your family and friends will get into your passion. Dare yourself…Homemade wine
making is really a grand and exciting learning experience. Make it a hobby, be satisfied
and enjoy.
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Make Wine At Home Wine Making Kits
Posted onWine making has become steadily a fun hobby for many, in particular wine lovers. Due to ease of wine production wine making kits offer, not only an experienced wine lover but a beginner also can prepare his wine by following few simple steps. Many stores specialized in brewing wines sell kits which usually contain required wine making accessories and equipments, making the comprehensive procedure of wine making easier. Although it is considered widely that best wines can be made in big wineries only but this has become the believe of past as now if one practices the wine making procedure at home then he can gain mastery over it in a short span of time and this all can be done with home wine making equipments contained in home wine kits.
A wine kit usually comes with instructions that are to be followed in order to craft a tasty wine. But it gets imperative to make sure before get into the procedure of wine production that you have all the equipments in your kit and also the wine supplies. Here is a list of items which you need to have beforehand while going to make wine
Fresh fruits or grapes
Fermenters or gallon bucket with lid
Winemaking recipe handbook
One glass or gallon jug
Wine yeasts
After getting assured that you have all the required items, you can start the procedure by following these simple steps mentioned below
First step is getting juice from fruits or grapes and it can be done with the help of presser.
Adding the sugar
It is not an essential step as it can be avoided if fruits are already very sweet. Generally, the main purpose of adding the sugar is the fermentation of alcohol but naturally sweet fruits like grapes dont need the addition of sugar. It is believed that the more will be the use of the sugar, the more will be the content of alcohol once the process is finished.
Add the yeasts
Further, yeasts should be added as they convert the sugar into alcohol like fermentation.
The last but not the least steps are the fermentation and bottling or aging of wine. These are the procedures during which wine gets ready to use after leaving it for around one month at the temperature of 40 to 50 degree F.
Thus, go ahead and get started for enjoying the journey of wine making by following aforementioned steps with the help of home wine kits. For more information visit: http://www.artfulwinemaker.com
Learn How To Make Wine With Home Wine Kits
Posted onPlanning to throw party for your wine-lover friends and still thinking how to impress them? Well, solution lies in the purchasing of home wine making kits, getting easier the process of wine-production for you like never before. There is no denying the fact that the passion for wines has been ongoing since ages among people and due to which wine making kits are getting popular with time. Although it was really a tedious task in earlier times to undertake the comprehensive procedure of wine making but it has got that much easy with wine making kits that even a beginner can perform the wine making procedure by just following few simple steps to make wine efficiently.
Since homemade wines have a distinctive taste because they are made from different fresh fruit varieties. Nowadays, many people are likely to involved with art of wine making and feel privileged for producing quality wines just sitting at their home with the help of wine making kits which consist usually a number of required wine making accessories such as airlocks, fermenting buckets,carboys,lids, hydrometer, tubing, wine bottles, drilled stoppers, spigot and sanitizer etc.Before making wine, make sure that have a storage of wine making supplies or wine making products including extracts of fruits, flowers or vegetables, shrink caps, sealing wax, sanitizing solutions, acid test kits,etc.
There is no doubt that wine kits, wine supplies and wine making accessories or equipments have made the wine making process much easier for wine lovers. Although home wine kits contain instruction also along with presentation to make people understand the procedure easily, here is a list of things which should be kept in mind whenever one is going to make wine
Make sure all wine making equipments are clean
Buy seasonal fruits to reduce the cost of wine making
Use always good quality of grapes or fruits
Crush and ferment grapes carefully
Make sure the content of sugar is appropriate
Briefly, the process of wine making involves following steps
6.Maturation and Aging
Thus there is no need to worry anymore if you want to throw a party but dont know how to make wine. Now make wine at your convenient place with wine making kits by just following aforementioned simple steps. For more information visit: http://www.artfulwinemaker.com
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