Tag: Instead

Take Resveratrol Supplements Or Simply Keep Sipping Red Wine Instead?

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The hype about resveratrol supplements are not just due to effective marketing campaign: resveratrol is indeed scientifically proven as the topmost health- and longevity- promoting phytoalexin in the food supplement/antioxidant pharmacology. They are found in red wines (white wines have a small quantity), peanuts, soy, Itadori tea, and Japanese knotweed.

The next question now is whether to take resveratrol in natural form or in capsule supplement form.

Resveratrol do not occur in high concentrations in natural form. You can drink all the red wines you want without damaging your liver or eat soy products to the brim without increasing the resveratrol concentration in your blood. The best way to take just the correct amount of the acclaimed phytoalexin is to take it in capsule form.

The right resveratrol supplements can raise the phytoalexin level in your blood equivalent to drinking 1,000 bottles of fine red wine a day. And, to think that this natural plant antibiotic is found in highest concentration in red wines, you can just imagine how many kilograms of peanuts or soy products you have to eat just to get the right amount of resveratrol.

Don’t be alarmed if the supplement you find in pharmacies and specialty stores are taken from Japanese knotweed also. Japanese knotweed is a perfectly good and economical source of resveratrol in pharmacology business today. In fact, the best supplements sold in the market are from these long-living and seemingly useless weed: looks like weeds have good use after all.

In the same token, you should not totally dismiss eating and drinking natural sources of resveratrol. After all, how else could you explain the famous “French Paradox” if the French are not known to consume the largest quantity of red wines per year? If you’re not French but you still want to take advantage of the many resveratrol benefits, then where to get your dose is clear to you now.