Tag: Making

The Making of Champagne

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There are only three types of grapes that can be used in the production of champagne. These three varieties are: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. Pinot Noir is the wine growers nightmare, but the drinkers paradise. Pinot Noir is extremely sensitive to rot and disease. A very difficult grape to cultivate and all contact with the grapes skin must be avoided to ensure a white champagne. Pinot Noir grapes of the highest class can only be found growing in Burgundy and the region of Champagne. It is used to give backbone and structure to champagne.

Pinot Meunier is the grape that the majority of champagne houses use and dominates the regions of Aisne and Seine- et- Marne. The Pinot Meunier grape is a very hardy grape and is the only variety that ripens in very cold years. It is also less sensitive to spring frost and gives a 10- 15% higher yield per vine than the Pinot Noir. Producers praise Pinot Meunier for its fruity qualities and wines from this grape mature quickly. Pure blanc de noirs from Pinot Meunier are unusual and are rarely good for no more than ten years.

Chardonnay is probably the worlds finest grape. Today Chardonnay is a fashionable grape which is harvested more and more in France. The greatest increase has taken place in Champagne. The grape allows itself to be formed to perfection in various climates and soils. The Chadonnay vine does however waste energy in producing leaves instead of using it to ripen the grapes. This however is combated by hard pruning and planting the vines very close together. On the whole the grape is very easy to cultivate with just one problem being its sensitivity to frost.

There are seven steps in the process of making Champagne:

1- The vineyard:The vine farmers work goes on all year round. He must prune, fertilize and spray the crop protecting against viruses, parasites and spring frosts. The average age of a vine is 15 years, with a vine reaching its peak at 30 years.

2- The harvest:In any wine region the harvest is the highlight of any given year. The harvest festival is a colorful occasion. The harvesting usually begins in the middle of September.

3- The pressing:The press house is located as near as possible to the vineyard as its essential that the grapes are whole and in their best condition when they reach the press house. In 1992 the legally set volumes for each pressing were set at 2550 litres from 4000 kilos of grapes.

4- Fermentation:When the grape juice has been taken to the fermenting vats it immediately begins to ferment, due to the yeasts originally in the grapes skin. Selected yeast cultures are also added.

5- Blending:When the wine has finished fermenting during the winter it is racked twice, separating the wine from the yeast sediment that builds up. In march blending begins with the cellar master- chef de caves- blending the wines with each other to produce the best possible champagne.

6- Second fermentation:When the blending has been completed in giant tanks more sugar and yeast is added and then the wine is bottled and sealed temporarily.

7- Disgorging:After the second fermentation has completed the bottlenecks are frozen at – 28c half freezing the sediment, which is shot out of the bottle by a machine with a sharp mechanical movement. The lost wine is then replaced with new wine and some sugar. The bottle is then fitted with the cork and the bottle of champagne has been made.

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Wine Making

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The science of wine making is called enology. Most home wine makers are not scientists and may not be familiar with the term, but they are wine lovers that appreciate the great taste of wines. If you make wine yourself the satisfaction is especially rewarding. Making your own wine has a number of benefits. First, it is less expensive than buying wine commercially. You have control over the recipe and the ingredients that go into the wine you produce. Second, making your own wine is enjoyable, especially when you share it with friends and family.

Making wine is extraordinarily simple. Wine is made when yeast is added to grape juice or most any other kind of juice. The basic ingredients are juice, yeast, sugar and water. The yeast consumes the sugar in the juice mixture and produces carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. The carbon dioxide gas bubbles out of the juice and what is left is wine. It’s just that simple.

The question is often asked “is drinking wine healthy?” Beyond the fact that wine contains alcohol, which taking in moderation, is not considered adverse to good health. The presence of other compounds in wine, particularly red wines, promotes good health for most wine consumers. The compound poly-phenolic flavonoids, which are antioxidants, are of particular benefit in promoting good health. Chiefly found in red grape skins, the concentrations tend to be high in red wines because the skins are included in the fermentation process.

Alcohol’s health benefits favor the cardiovascular system, and dramatically reduces the risks of atherosclerotic heart attacks, ischemic strokes and limb amputations due to compromised blood supply. In addition, the antioxidants in wine modulate the blood clotting that climaxes heart attacks and strokes. They also help by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL, the bad cholesterol, to its dangerous form. Research data supports moderate consumption of wine with a longer and healthier life than that of abstainers.

However, wine is not for everyone. Certain medical conditions are worsened by the consumption of wine, so it’s vital you seek the advice of your personal physician if you are in less than good health.

How to Make Wine
The easy way is to purchase a home wine making kit that usually consists of a three to five gallon container (fermentor), hydrometer, stopper and fermentation lock, syphonhose, sterilizer and reference book. The ingredients (grape juice, sugar, and yeast) are usually sold separately. There are many different types of kits to choose from or you can obtain the items separately from local resources. Typically a four or five gallon water container serves very well as a fermentor.

Any fruit juice may be used to make wine. The basic fruit must be mashed or liquefied to release the active ingredients in the fruit. This can be done with a small fruit press or even a kitchen blender. My basic recipe is as follows:

• 4 gallons of red grape juice
• Approximately 4 pounds of sugar. The amount of sugar is determined by the specific gravity of the mixture. I usually shoot for a specific gravity reading of 0.9960 of the mixture before fermentation. Determining the specific gravity at start will determine the alcohol content at finish. The amount of sugar also determines if the finished wine will be dry or sweat. Carefully read your hydrometer as each hydrometer is different. You should consult the booklet that comes with the hydrometer for correct use.
• Approximately one gallon of water to dissolve the sugar
• One half teaspoon of baker’s instant yeast dissolved (activated) in water.
• Stir the mixture and install the fermentation lock. I use a cork with a quarter inch plastic hose that ends in a small bottle of water. This trap is necessary to prevent the atmosphere from contaminating the mixture.
• Place the fermentation container in an environment that is between 70 and 80 degree. Fermentation (bubbling) will start almost immediately.
• Fermentation will end (bubbling stops) in about 21 days at which time drain the contents less the sediment into another container using a siphon hose. This is called racking.
• Let set for three to six months and bottle

This is a basic recipe that can be altered by experience and personal preference.
Happy wine making.

White Wine Making

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White Wines vs. Red Wines: Do you know All the Differences?

You don’t need me to tell you that the difference between red wines and white wines is the color. But I’m sure that I can mention a few facts about wines that you didn’t know. For example, did you know that many white wines are produced with red grapes?

The Tannic Element

White wines are characterized for having low levels of tannin, while red wines contain it in high quantities. I know what you’re thinking…It is safe to deduct, then, that this tannic element is entirely responsible for a wine’s color, correct? Correct! Tannins place a significant role in wine color, since they carry the pigments that give it a dark, reddish hue. They are extracted from grape stems, seeds and skins where they are found in high concentrations.

Color Hues

When white wines are made, these skins, stems and seeds (lees) are isolated from the must, or pressed grapes. Winemakers do this to prevent the reddish color and qualities that tannins impart in the wine, thus obtaining an amber-colored drink, instead of a ruby-colored one. Tannin concentrations depend not only on how much of the lees are left in the fermentation vessel, but also for how long they remain in contact with the must. Because of this, you will find many different red wines with different hues of red. The darker the red is, the longer it has been in contact with the grape juice and must.

Wine Qualities According to Color

Aside from color, tannins give wines a heavy, round, complex quality. This makes red wines warmer and spicier in nature, full-bodied and with a prevalent sedimentation. On the other hand, white wines tend to be crisp and light, and generally they summon wine enthusiasts that are looking for a fruity, refreshing drink.

Fermentation Practices: Whites vs. Reds

Red wines also differ from whites in terms of their fermentation and ageing. White wines, for one, are generally fermented at cool temperatures and for a long time. Red wines, on the other hand, require warmer temperatures, and a speedier fermentation process. Winemakers use this temperature variation in white wine making in order to stall fermentation – which aids in the development of tannins. To compensate for the slow fermentation progress, vintners extend the process to achieve a ‘tannic complexity, but without high tannin contents.

The Effect of Oak in White Wine Ageing

In addition to fermentation, the use of oak enhances tannin extraction into the wine. With this in mind, you’ll find that darker red wines are most frequently aged in oak – and that white wines are rarely exposed to this wood. One example of a white wine that is aged in oak is the Chardonnay. Proof of higher tannin content, Chardonnays are generally drier, slightly round-bodied and darker than other white wines. In replacement to oak barrel ageing, white wines are most commonly treated in stainless steel vats. The use of metal not only prevents tannin extraction, but it aids in temperature control and is more affordable than conventional oak barrels. Also related to tannin concentrations is the length of ageing. Ageing offers best results in wines that offer high tannic levels, as tannins fully develop and grant the aged wine with a complex quality, full body and robust flavor. Because of this, and since white wines have little tannins, these are recommended to be aged for 12 months or less.

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Wine Making Grapes

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Wines are typically made from 100% grape juice. There are many varieties of wine making grapes and several components come into play that dictate the final wine produced.

The Grape

The type of grape from which the wine is made will greatly reflect in the finished product. The vine-ripened grapes contain natural sugars which are converted into alcohol. If you are growing your own grapes for wine making, it is important to make sure that the grapes are not just ripe, but mature, before picking, and then to store them in cool, dry conditions.

The grape skins contain most of the flavor and all of the color. The larger the grape, the less skin proportionately, but the more juice there is. This is fine for a light wine, but smaller grapes with proportionately more skin, will produce a much richer color and a more concentrated flavor.

The varieties of grapes you choose for making your wine will depend on the kind of wine you want to make, or the type of grapes you can obtain if you don’t grow your own. There are a few “noble” grapes which are most popular. For red wine, the favorite red wine making grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah and Barbera. The most popular of white wine grapes are Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc and Gewurztraminer. White wine grapes are younger and contain more acidity which delivers the tarter taste in most white wines.

The Climate

Where the grapes are grown will also have an impact on the resulting wines taste. These are the two main factors: Warm and sunny weather will produce a ripe, sweet flavorful grape. Cloudy and cool weather will give you a less ripened young, tart grape.

The Soil

A well drained soil is best in growing a strong grape vine. This forces the roots to dig deeper for moisture. The acidity in the soil will also shape the taste of the grape. Vineyards are usually planted in a sloping area to provide drainage and insulation from the weather. In cooler climates, the vines are planted closer together and trained low to conserve the heat of the day. .In warmer climates the opposite is true. The vines are planted further apart and trained high to give shade and disperse the heat. They are also spaced further apart to allow for better drainage.

Red Wines

Red Wines are normally classified by the type or variety of grape used in their making.

If only one variety of grape is used, the wine is labeled varietal and named after the grape type with a capital inserted. Quite often, more than one type of grape variety is used in a wine and the names of these would be included on the label.

Different varieties of grape bring their individual taste to a wine, and the art of the winemaker is to blend these different tastes to produce a pleasing result.

Cabernet Sauvignon

This is widely accepted as one of the world’s best varieties that can produce long-lived wines of great subtlety. Cabernet Sauvignon is often aged in oak barrels before being bottled. This reduces the acerbic qualities of the wine and imparts flavors from the wood to bring about a meld of tastes and complexity in the final wine.
Cabernet Sauvignon is rich in tannins. The grape produces a deep, full-bodied wine that delivers the taste of blackberry, black cherry, bell pepper, hints of wood, tobacco and leather.
Cabernet Sauvignon is grown primarily in France, Australia, California, South Africa, Hungary and Chile.

Sangiovese or Chianti

From Italys Tuscany region, this grape is famous for its full dry character and robust spiciness. Delivers the flavor of cherries, blackberries and plums. This wine has very distinctive flavors.


Merlots offer the same full-bodied flavor as Cabernet but delivers a softer balance of fruity and spicy flavors with a smooth, supple texture. It is less tannic than Cabernet Suavignon and typically does not require such long aging.

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is recognized as one of the noblest varieties of red grape and the main ingredient of fine Burgundy wines, renowned for their delicate and complex flavors. The variety is not always easy to grow. The taste of Pinot Noir has been described as being of raspberries, strawberries, cherries, or plums, with hints of leather and damp earth. Pinot Noir offers a paler color and earthy aromas. This light perfumed red is not always immediately appreciated by newcomers to wine drinking.

Syrah (Shiraz)

Full. dark, tannic wine that has a strong, bold fruit flavors of black and red berries and leaves a spicy softness that leaves a distinctive taste in your mouth.


This variety of grape seems to be grown almost exclusively in California. It is used to make red wines and also used to make rose or blush wines. This grape variety produces a light or richer red, with berry flavors and a peppery hint.


The Barbera grape is another classic red wine producing variety from Italy. It is similar to Merlot is many respects and is a light wine suitable for everyday drinking. It has a juicy, black cherry or plum flavor.

These varieties of red wine grapes are those we most frequently come across, and which make up the bulk of most of the red wine drunk today. Individually, or blended, they produce red wines ranging from light, easy-drinking styles to be consumed when young, to more robust complex wines which only give of their best after years in barrel or bottle allowing their flavors to develop.

White wines

Like red wines, white wine can be classified by their grape variety. If only one type of grape is used then the wine is called a varietal, and the name is mentioned on the label. Sometimes more than one grape is used and the individual varieties are mentioned on the label. White wines can be either dry or sweet. These are the most popular white wines. There are many white grape varieties, but here are the names you will recognize quickly.


The chardonnay grape originated in the Burgundy region of France, where it is still grown, producing a variety of different tasting white wines. The chardonnay grape is used to make still and sparkling wines, the most notable being champagne. The flavor and color of a chardonnay wine can vary depending on whether or not it has had contact with wood, usually oak. A well balanced grape that offers tropical, citrus aromas and flavors, with a hint of melon and vanilla. Fermenting in oak barrels adds a buttery texture and taste, plus a darker color. The fruity quality of the grape shines through and lingers to a long, crisp finish.


The Riesling grape is the classic German variety of the Rhine and Mostel regions. These are aromatic, light wines often with balanced acidity. These can range from sweet to very dry. Grapes from the Alsace and Eastern part of the United States are somewhat drier. Rieslings deliver the flavor of green apple, peach, tangerine and honeysuckle, drinkable with or without a meal. The taste can vary depending on where the grape was grown and the method of production.


True to its German translation: spicy. Deep color and aromatic – this wine delivers a crisp, lush refreshing taste that is a pleasure to drink on its own. It is slightly dry but with a flavor that encompasses elements of peaches and other fruits, plus the hint of spice.

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is of the French origin and grown mainly in the region of Bordeaux, where it is often blended with Semillon to produce a crisp, grassy white wine. This wine making grape is usually young and fresh, producing a wine with high acidity and herbal aromas. Sharp, green flavors can include grapefruit, lemon peel, pear and green herbs. Sometimes there are overtones of melon, mango and even black current.


Semillon is grown in the Bordeaux region of France, and also in Chile, Argentina, Australia and California. The typical taste is fig-like and berry-like, and in some regions overripe Semillon grapes are often blended with Sauvignon Blanc to produce a more even, acceptable taste. This creates a sweet, syrupy, full-bodied wine that is yellow in color and has an intense flavor