Tag: Resveratrol

Resveratrol Level – Highest in Grapes Or Red Wine?

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Red wine has a higher Resveratrol level than white wine. This is due to the fact that red wines are fermented extensively with the grapes skin on, than the white wines. As a result, a lot of the antioxidants including the product’s substance that are naturally found in the grape peels are taken out into the wine.

Also, grapes cultivated in moist surroundings have a propensity to have more of the substance than grapes cultivated in more dry surroundings. The assumption at the back of these events is that grapes produced in damp locations make more of it so as to combat harmful fungus. Grapes produced in dry locations do not have to make so much of it to live.

Wines that have been discovered to contain some of the most levels of the substance are Muscadine wines which come from the Muscadine grapes local to the moist South Eastern US; and pinot noir, from the fine Vinifera grape local to Burgundy, France. However, it is successfully grown in Oregon, California, Washington State, and New York as well. Pinot noir cultivated in more damp areas have a tendency to contain more of it.

The substance is present in the peels, seeds, and Pomace of grapes, but it is present in utmost strength in the peels. In this way, it is present in grape juice at the same time. The prominent grape types with comparatively increased levels of it are pinot noir grapes, Muscadine grapes, and concord grapes.

In most cases, grapes are excellent resources of vitamins C, B6, and B1 also potassium and manganese. Grapes are a good resource of in between meal alternative when calculating calories. Concord grapes have approximately sixty calories per cup.

The quantity of the substance in products can broadly differ. In pills there can be as small as five milligrams each pill at a pureness of ten percent or lower. On the other side of the scale, there are pills that offer close to 1000 milligrams of the substance per pill at a pureness of 99 percent.

Resveratrol Extract From Red Wine – Benefits Observed in Animals and Humans

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Animal studies are one of the methods used by scientists and the research community use to determine the advantages and drawbacks of chemical compounds. From pharmaceutical drugs and medicines to nutritional supplements, active ingredients must first be tested in real subjects before confirmed benefits can be established. One such antioxidant currently being tested is called resveratrol. It is a compound found in nature; the skin and seeds of grapes, red wine, some fruits, and nuts. You’ll likely find a product with resveratrol extract in the form of vitamin capsules, tea, or accompanying acai berries in weight loss pills. But does it really work? The researchers have put this antioxidant to the test with some surprising results.

The French are known for their exquisite food and richly-saturated, high-fat meals. It has puzzled scientists and doctors alike because the average American diet is very much like that of the French, but with approximately 30% more instances of heart and cardiovascular disease. The medical community has now discovered, through a series of experiments using resveratrol extract in mice, that the red wine that you drink is the deciding factor in the health of the French person’s lifestyle. In a July 3, 2008 article published on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site, researchers reported that the affected obese mice showed less overall cholesterol levels, had stronger aortas, and developed fewer occurrences of heart and cardiovascular disease. This powerful compound seems to mimic some of the health phenomena that result from “caloric restriction”. This is the reason the French can eat the way they do and still remain relatively healthy throughout their lives.

Dr. Sinclair, who participated in the scientific study, cautioned that further studies must be done before associating a direct correlation between results in mice and that which would be experienced in humans. This is because the human body is a much more complex being than a mouse. The benefits of resveratrol extract were also observed in previous findings published, including a study dated June 3, 2008 by the Public Library of Science One. This study found that in addition to the benefits noted above, anti-aging effects were also observed in the animal subjects. This included alteration of the genetic expression of some factors involved in the cellular aging process in the body including slowed aging of cardiac cells.

Resveratrol extract is easy to buy from online stores from the comfort of home with as little as an Internet connection. But just like any other supplement, do the research prior to making a decision to add this supplement to your daily vitamin regimen. The Internet is a free source of reviews, contact information of the institutions that conducted the lab tests, and forums that allow visitors to post questions and read what others are saying. The research is clear; there are many health benefits associated with this amazing compound found in red wine!

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Resveratrol, a Wonder Drug in Red Wine

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First off this should be stated that this article does not make it okay to drink large amounts of red wine. Ok with that being said Resveratrol which is found in red grapes is indeed linked with making a human body need less calories. Yes this can help you lose weight; by making the body think it can intake less in calories.

Resveratrol that is produced in a Japanese plant called the knotweed. And found in other items, like red grapes, pomegranate, and peanuts of the raw, boiled, or butter kind. It is a plants antibiotic, which means it helps to fight off both bacteria and fungus infections.

With fooling the body into thinking that it needs fewer calories, up to 30% you will naturally lose weight. But this is found in studies where small doses were taken of Resveratrol. Maybe amounting to a glass per day.

Thinking of it that way you can see how red wine will not only help you lose weight, but also help you become healthier. This possible wonder drug, is being studied more to see if it will affect other organs, like the heart, and brain.

Scientist took two groups of animals to do this test. It was to find out what the affects of the Resveratrol were on the function of a heart. See as we age the heart will naturally lose some functions. But with restricted diets given to one group, and the other getting a low dose of Resveratrol, the scientist came up with amazing results.

The group that had a diet that had been restricted came back with 90% of the heart still functioning as they aged. But the other group, returned results of 92% of the heart functioning properly.

It is also shown in past studies that Resveratrol can help with anti-aging properties. So remember to get the best results from Resveratrol a small dose is best.

Resveratrol and Health – The Benefits of Red Wine

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The subject of red wine and resveratrol health has been covered by the media many times. There have also been many studies and research conducted to show what the effect of wine is on our health. It has been demonstrated that the substance resveratrol that is found in red wine has health benefits. There are various other anti-oxidants present in wine such as polyphenols.

Resvetrol has been shown to be a highly effective anti-oxidant. It performs nearly 20-50 times more effectively than vitamin C alone. In the body, resveratrol works with vitamin C and effectively enhances the benefits of both substances. The main effect that resveratrol has on the human body is it’s ability to help prevent blood clotting in the blood vessels. This reduces the chances of being afflicted by heart problems. Studies have also shown that resveratrol also helps to fight cancer.

Extensive research in this subject has successfully shown that people who consume a lot of red wine suffer a lot less from heart disease and cancer in comparison to those who do not drink the “health nectar”. Studies have also shown that the formation of new dendrites in the brain is helped by drinking red wine.

Resveratrol and polyphenols are found mostly in the leaves, skin and bark of grape vines and red wine is made up using all these components so is rich in these substances. White wine, on the other hand, does not have the same benefits as it is made from pressed juice of only grapes.

There is, however, still the alcohol content in a bottle wine to consider. Research has yet to show any benefit of consuming alcohol. In fact, research has demonstrated that alcohol consumption can be severely damaging for health and is associated with weight issues, high blood pressure and heart problems. To take advantage of the health benefits offered by red wine, pharmaceutical manufacturers have extracted the resveratrol and polyphenols from the wine and you may buy them in capsules.

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Resveratrol and Red Wine – Want to Get Healthy?

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Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, a chemical compound that is found naturally in some plants. It is referred to as a phytoalexin because the plants produce the natural compound as an antibiotic substance to ward off fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic attacks. Resveratrol is found in red grapes, (skin, seeds and vines), in mulberries, raspberries, cranberries and blueberries, in peanuts, certain pine trees and also in the Japanese knotweed plant.

It is because of the fact that the compound has had an impact in the French people, making them have less coronary heart disease complications, and making them have healthy lifestyles that stirred the interest of many, hence it’s being manufactured as a natural nutritional supplement. Observers noticed that even though the French people ate a lot of fatty foods, they still recorded low cases of heart diseases, and they discovered it is because of the red wine that formed part of their diets.

It is however important to note that the resveratrol constituent in red wine is very minimal thus it might be the case of long term use of red wine.  Perhaps the most common source of resveratrol is peanuts, although it is still in very low concentrations, but is much higher compare to certain berries. Studies show that using resveratrol will substantially reduce cases of memory loss, lengthen tolerance, fight aging and the most recent studies show that it can actually combat retroviruses like herpes simplex and HIV.

A roman saying goes like “In Vino Sanitas” which construes to mean “In wine there is health”. There is no doubt that there are abundant health benefits to be reaped from red wine. However, it might not be affordable to all, because low quality red wines will not contain substantial amounts of resveratrol. The reason why one would need resveratrol supplements which are manufactured with high concentrations of the compound.

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