Tag: White

White Wine Recipes: White Wine For Newbies

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White wine is widely known for being a very sensual and stylish alcoholic drink. It is mostly accessible in yellow or golden color. White wine is widely appreciated all across the world because of its scrumptious taste. You may anytime pair white wine with white meat to make an easy meal looks tasty. Don’t know anything about white wine? We can fix that.

White wine, as opposed to its name, is not always in white color. Actually, white wine is always made by utilizing components like gold and green grapes skin and juices. The drink usually gets its color from the grape skins. Through the fermentation process, the grape skin generally acts in a way to diffuse certain color in drink. Each wine has a particular color, which depends upon the grape used as well as the length of your time the skin’s pigmentation is in touch with the juice (that’s why red wines are redder when the skin is fermented with the juice longer). You will find some types of Champagnes that are manufactured from a number of the chosen black grapes or red grapes.

Turn to white wine for a light dinner, or even a picnic at the beach. It is more refreshing and lighter tasting than that regarding a bold red wine, making it wonderful for spring and summer times. Further, this dry alcoholic drink often tastes very sweet. As a result of a light consistency and odor, white wine is better when served along with light foods.

For serving, use narrower glass for drinking. Further, you should not have to breathe white wine in a much same method as you need to do with red wine. It is actually better to serve this alcoholic drink at fifty degrees Fahrenheit. By doing this you may also be capable to taste the alcoholic portion of this drink. Why serve it cold? The colder the temperature, the less tart, sweet and aromatic it seems. Wine strives on three basics: sugar, acid (which your tongue tastes), and aromatics. The aroma should disperse right away after opening the bottled. Then, you have to stay away from chilling the white wine so as to destroy the flavor of the drink. So, basically in no way chill the wine in case you are planning to enjoy its bold alcoholic flavor.

There are two main reason that produces the white wine more refreshing than any other forms of wines. First, when you drink the wine and it comes into contact with your tongue, the sourness makes you salivate, making you want more. Second, since the wine is frozen. So, if you don’t want a refreshing white wine, don’t chill it.

So, just follow these above mentioned pointers if you were about to taste the white wine for the initial time. These techniques may even help you out in enhancing the alcoholic flavor. Remember to drink safely and sensibly.

For additional information on white wine recipes please visit white wine recipes. You can also have a peek at some fantastic red wine recipes by clicking red wine.

Why Health Benefits Of Red Wine Is Much Higher Than White Wine – Red Wine, White Wine, Wine – Food

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Relevant statistical data, Red wine Consumption accounts for Wine Overall share of the world more than 80%, rated the most popular wine category, and white wine are far behind. Experts pointed out that the health benefits of red wine, white wine, 3 to 5 times that of the main reasons contributed to the former global epidemic.

Scientists have confirmed that red wine is the nemesis of cardiovascular disease. As early as 1989, the World Health Organization (WHO) “MONICA program” Epidemiological investigation report stated that: The French love to eat cheese, butter, Chocolate And other “three high” food, but the French people (35 to 64 years) the incidence rate of coronary heart disease is Britain’s only 1 / 2, United States, 1 / 4. Medical scientists who study suggests that the French love to drink wine this is a great relationship.

This year, on April 21 in Denver at the American Association of Cancer Research 100th Annual Meeting of published results of a study to confirm red as the anti-cancer food. U.S. KaiserPermanente Medical Group’s findings also showed that smoking and drinking red wine per month, every drink, the risk of lung cancer an average of 2% drank one to two glasses per day, reduce the risk of lung cancer by 60% many.

To explore the mystery of red wine health, scientists have isolated from the red wine tannins and other polyphenols found in wine rich in tannins, resveratrol, flower pigments and other polyphenolic compounds, these substances have a strong health powerful antioxidant, in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, aging and so has an obvious effect.

All kinds of medical experiments with red wine as the experimental object, because scientists have found that the polyphenol compounds contained in more than white wine. Study revealed that: resveratrol in red wine is about 4 to 6 milligrams / liter tannin content of about 1000 mg / liter; comparison, the resveratrol content of white wine is only about 1 ~ 2 mg / l, tannin content of only about 400 mg / liter. As the tannins in red wine, resveratrol and other polyphenols were higher than white wine, so this sense of two components, the health benefits of red wine than white wine.

Reason, the wine expert chenzhuang that the tannins from the grape skin and pulp, and resveratrol exists mainly in the peel. In the brewing process, the red wine will be impregnated with belt seed fermentation, and to be peeled and seeded Juice of white wine fermentation, which resulted in the polyphenol content of the two differences. Moreover, most of red wine to go through a rubber Barrel Aging, liquor will also draw from the oak some tannic substances.

In addition, the color of red wine from grape peel anthocyanin, anthocyanin pigment is a natural plant, flower color pigment in addition to display certain things, or a strong Antioxidants , To protect the body from free radical damage. The results show that the human body will be too many damaging effects of reactive oxygen species, which is the root of human aging and disease. As China’s southern Fujian

spread of “red of hot, dry white of cool,” saying they have no medical basis. Chinese food is divided into cold, hot, warm and cool, level 5, whereas in the absence of other additives, alcohol situation, its cool heat depends primarily on alcohol. In a variety of daily drinking Alcohol In the high degree of white wine (including soju, Firewater, etc.) of heat, low degree rice wine (rice wine) and wine and warm, while the lowest alcohol Beer The cool earth. Red and dry white is usually the same degree of alcohol, are 12%, so there is no distinction of cooling of heat. Chinese believe that wine, “and warm, sweet, nourishing quality goods for the ages.”

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How To Distinguish Red Wine And White Wine?

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Red wine and white wine has many differences not only in color. For instance, you can taste either of them to test. Red wine tastes much heavier and more complex than white wine. In common, red types are not sweet like white type.


White wines are made from white grapes by separating the skin of the grapes from the juice, after which yeast is added for fermentation purposes right until the juice turns into white wine. Then the wine is stored for aging in stainless steel or oak wood containers.


On the other hand, when you make red wine, the process is a bit different. It is made of red or black grapes and here the grapes are crushed first and then they are added along with their skin to a fermentation process that takes about 1-2 weeks to end. Towards the end, the skin raises to the surface and forms a top layer which is usually mixed back into the must (the fermenting juice). When the fermentation period is over, the wine is then pressed into a press wine to be first clarified and then stored away in oak containers for a couple of months before it can be transferred into bottles. When you store the red one into oak containers, you transfer to the wine extra tannin that the oak barrels contains, which gives that extra flavor to the red wine that you can’t find in any white wine.


This is actually one of the main differences between the two wine types, the amount of tannin they usually contain. Of course the red one has more of it since the tannin is coming from the skin of the grapes, and the white wine is made without the actual skin.


Another main difference is the fact that you are likely to find more flavours between red wines compared to white ones. And if you believe what they say about the health benefits that the red type gives regarding resveratrol, one more reason to go with red during your next wine shopping spree:)


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white Rum Wine

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of red wine and Cantonese cuisine Two different styles , few people will pull them together , most recently , a Hong Kong winemaker Johnny with over 45 years into the kitchen of experience executive chef simple Ming chef wanted Patching red wine and Cantonese, Since the implementation of the free Red wine Tax, products wine atmosphere of more and more intense in Hong Kong , which can be tasted from around the world wines , the original was also dedicated to wine work . has been on red wine and even There research momo, yesterday praised China’s wine to greet customers not rude . the past More than years, in China red wine the introduction of of foreign equipment and technology , from grapes to wine process is optimized , and generally in Chaojishichang buy China red wine also reached International Rum the level of , he from time to time bought Rum to taste .

A 4 buffet wine vending machines is the most eye-catching , placed 32 bottles of in different countries red and white Rum Wine, and from time to time conversion style, so we every time come have a new try to . As long as the First purchase value-added cards to can try absorbed all the the heart water restaurant, you can also choose 25ml, 75ml and 150ml component , not afraid of waste. In addition, the bar with with wine gourmet meals license , from snacks to quantity a large main dishes are prepared , whether we would like to choose wine and then pick dishes , or make sure favorite dishes and then matching wine , and the presence of both professional Sommelier able to give advice , then the will be afraid of the wrong choice match , destroy taste buds .

Grape wine is sugar with yeast fermented from alcohol , and Port Wine at the wine is not complete before fermentation , has injected spirits , alcohol will yeast kill , so port wine keep a little sugar and , and therefore , port wine usually with a sweet . Hundreds of years ago, the British the Port Wine named Port, is along the from in northern Portugal, port Oporto the name , because the Portland Rum wine is by Porto stored and exported , but in fact port wine the true origin of in Porto nearby Douro area.

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White Wine Making

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White Wines vs. Red Wines: Do you know All the Differences?

You don’t need me to tell you that the difference between red wines and white wines is the color. But I’m sure that I can mention a few facts about wines that you didn’t know. For example, did you know that many white wines are produced with red grapes?

The Tannic Element

White wines are characterized for having low levels of tannin, while red wines contain it in high quantities. I know what you’re thinking…It is safe to deduct, then, that this tannic element is entirely responsible for a wine’s color, correct? Correct! Tannins place a significant role in wine color, since they carry the pigments that give it a dark, reddish hue. They are extracted from grape stems, seeds and skins where they are found in high concentrations.

Color Hues

When white wines are made, these skins, stems and seeds (lees) are isolated from the must, or pressed grapes. Winemakers do this to prevent the reddish color and qualities that tannins impart in the wine, thus obtaining an amber-colored drink, instead of a ruby-colored one. Tannin concentrations depend not only on how much of the lees are left in the fermentation vessel, but also for how long they remain in contact with the must. Because of this, you will find many different red wines with different hues of red. The darker the red is, the longer it has been in contact with the grape juice and must.

Wine Qualities According to Color

Aside from color, tannins give wines a heavy, round, complex quality. This makes red wines warmer and spicier in nature, full-bodied and with a prevalent sedimentation. On the other hand, white wines tend to be crisp and light, and generally they summon wine enthusiasts that are looking for a fruity, refreshing drink.

Fermentation Practices: Whites vs. Reds

Red wines also differ from whites in terms of their fermentation and ageing. White wines, for one, are generally fermented at cool temperatures and for a long time. Red wines, on the other hand, require warmer temperatures, and a speedier fermentation process. Winemakers use this temperature variation in white wine making in order to stall fermentation – which aids in the development of tannins. To compensate for the slow fermentation progress, vintners extend the process to achieve a ‘tannic complexity, but without high tannin contents.

The Effect of Oak in White Wine Ageing

In addition to fermentation, the use of oak enhances tannin extraction into the wine. With this in mind, you’ll find that darker red wines are most frequently aged in oak – and that white wines are rarely exposed to this wood. One example of a white wine that is aged in oak is the Chardonnay. Proof of higher tannin content, Chardonnays are generally drier, slightly round-bodied and darker than other white wines. In replacement to oak barrel ageing, white wines are most commonly treated in stainless steel vats. The use of metal not only prevents tannin extraction, but it aids in temperature control and is more affordable than conventional oak barrels. Also related to tannin concentrations is the length of ageing. Ageing offers best results in wines that offer high tannic levels, as tannins fully develop and grant the aged wine with a complex quality, full body and robust flavor. Because of this, and since white wines have little tannins, these are recommended to be aged for 12 months or less.

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