Tag: Wine
Ways To Match Up Red Wine With Food Entirely
Posted onRed wine is a classy option of drink and it is always more enjoyed when served with proper food. Yes, red wine and food pairing is certainly one of the most difficult and tedious tasks of all. It is rather imperative that you simply match up the perfect wine with whatever particular dish you happen to be serving. Pairing a great red wine will also enhance the tastes and savor of the meals being served. As there is certainly a variety of red wine accessible out there, you must follow particular rules and pairing rules to be able to take out incredible savor. There are a few special wines that are best when served with some specific foods just like appetizers, and side dishes. Crucial thing to recollect is to know the specialty of your red wine and food. Thus, we bring to you a number of the suggestions and rules regarding how to join up red wine with food properly.
Keep following ideas at heart as combination Red Wine along with food properly
1. Red wines along with strong flavors can simply overshadow the flavor any food and vice versa.
2. Keep away from coupling strong red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon with fish dishes.
3. Wines like Cabernet Sauvignon never work well with mixes of tomato recipes.
4. One must always pair Merlot wines with desserts and chocolate.
5. It’s also suggested that keep Shiraz or Syrah red wine from any type of fish dishes.
6. Pinot Noir is not at all a good choice if you are planning to serve spicy and hot dishes.
7. Feel free to serve up mild wines like Barberra red wine with virtually all types of dishes.
8. You can pick any of your favorite red wine to pair with several grilled steak recipes.
9. Your best option of red wines for barbecued dishes could be Zinfandel and Chianti.
10. While serving any dish made of blue cheese, you could always select red wine like Zinfandel.
11. You can pair Chianti along with some hard cheese recipes.
12. Select Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot red wines when serving Sharp cheddar dishes.
13. Barberra red wine is the one single wine option that can be easily paired with diverse dishes like lasagna, lemon chicken, pasta dishes, and pizza.
14. It is definitely better to serve wines Cabernet Sauvignon with roasts, duck, lamb, steak, and chocolate dishes.
15. Choose Merlot while serving a variety of BBQ foods, chicken and steak.
Growing Wine Grapes
Posted onWhile growing wine grapes, the basic thing to remember is that each grape variety is unique in its own way with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Grapes from the Vitis vinifera family are the most commonly used variety of grapes used for wine making. Usually this variety is found in Europe but there are varieties that are abundant in North America as well. The Vitis Labrusca is another popular variety and is commonly found in eastern parts of United States and Canada.
Success in growing wine grapes largely depends on suitable climatic conditions and the variety of vine you choose. These are the most important factors in growing wine grapes which ultimately decide the quality of grapes. Extreme climatic conditions may destroy the whole crop and it cannot be imagined how destructive it can be. Under ideal conditions such a variety should be chosen which ripens during the cooler temperatures instead of summers.
Though soil condition is important for any type of vineyard, they can still be manipulated by adding fertilizers and minerals. The most important thing is to provide necessary mineral content to the roots. You need to test the soil and see if it is free of toxic mineral content. Irrigation channels can be provided so as to make sure that that there is enough soil moisture level.
However, climatic conditions cannot be changed and the only way you can probably provide somewhat better climatic condition is by application of greenhouse transplant. So make sure that the fruit varieties you choose have a proven track record of growing properly in the climatic zone you wish and desire to grow your wine grapes. This will help you greatly in improving your chances of an excellent harvest of grape wine.
It may so happen that you don’t have an alternative. However, in case you are successful in choosing your area for growing wine grapes, care should be taken to avoid such areas where there are very low winter and spring temperatures. Moreover you should also avoid such areas where there is frequent or excessive change in temperatures or there are early frost fall.
Avoid Vine Direction Disasters
Since frost plays a very destructive role in growing wine grapes, you should see to it that you don’t choose lowlands for cultivation since these are the areas where frost hits the hardest. Usually frost settles in these areas first and remains there for a long time. For growing grape wines it is better to choose slopes facing south as there is a bit more sunshine. In areas of high rainfall slopes facing east are better as the rising sun dries the slopes faster. This helps in reducing diseases caused due to accumulation of moisture.
Three crucial factors are to be kept in mind while speaking about climate:
The climate of the region: this includes humidity and temperature range.
The climate of the site: includes drainage and slope.
The climate of grape vine: includes environment within a specified area like a cluster and canopy.
The place you choose should have a long growing season so that vines properly mature. It means that there should be enough sunlight while the fruit ripens because sunlight is most essential while the fruit ripens.
Though it may seem as if there are a number of things to consider, be assured that the plant needs your attention not just once. After they are put in the ground the grape plants only need pruning from time to time. You should be able to find out the right place for growing wine grapes. Though it may take some time, but once you have found it, half the task is done. The next step is to choose a grape variety that suites that particular climatic condition. You can also ask for expert guidance from experienced grape and vineyard growers which would take you to the path of success.
Italian Wine – A Guide to Red and White Italian Wine
Posted onThere is not one bit of Italy that is incapable of growing grapes. Italy is the 2nd largest wine producing country in the world, just below France. Italy’s geographical characteristics make it ideal to grow every type of grape that the world has to offer. The fact that Italy is so long means wine growing can be grown from the Alps right down to the south end, within sight of Africa. Because Italy is a peninsula country with a long shore line on each side of the country, this creates costal climate growing wine regions. Also because Italy is full of high mountains, and hills, it provides many different altitudes, and types of soils and climate for all types of grape growing.
Italy hosts some of the oldest wine producing regions in the world. Etruscans and Greek settlers began producing wine in Italy before the Romans began developing there own more organised vineyards. When the Romans began making there vineyards they established a larger scale production and storage technique. Italy today is estimated to produce one-fifth of the worlds wine production.
Italian Red Wine
Italy’s red wine is some of the best red wine in the world. Italian red wine is generally full bodied and very dominant. This wine is the perfect to compliment Italy’s rich and wonderful food. In Italy over 60% of its wine grown and produced is red wine. Popular red wines from Italy are:-
Brunello di Montalcino
Italian White Wine
Italy’s white wines are less popular than their neighbouring red wine companion. Italy’s white wines are less powerful than the red wines they tend to be more crisp, soft and acidic. These wines are also great with food, and Italy’s white wine is said to accompany food without overpower it. Italy’s white wine which is made from the worlds popular white wine grapes tends to be of a different taste. These wines tend to be richer when grown in Italy’s soils. Popular white wines from Italy are:-
Pinot Grigio
Italian Chardonnay
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Wine Making Recipe
Posted onBelow you will find the basic steps to making a delicious wine. This method can used both for whites and reds. It’s great for beginning winemakers who are looking for a simple recipe, with simple ingredients.
11 ½ kg of Grapes
5 ½ kg of sugar
10-11 liters of Water (plus more for topping)
2 ½ tsp. dried Pectic Enzyme
5 Campden Tablets
4 tsp. Yeast Nutrient
1 package of Wine Making Yeast
6 ½ tsp. Sparkalloid
Winemaking Method:
1. Put 5 Campden tablets in a jug of water and spray the solution onto your work area. Let act for 10 minutes. Rinse and let air-dry.
2. Use a crushing grate to process our grapes. Extract as much juice as possible, and remember to remove any stems.
3. Dissolve 4 kg of the sugar into 8 liters of warm water. Pour into primary fermentor, along with the must.
4. Add water to the fermentor until you reach the 5-½ gallon marker.
5. Use a hydrometer to test the prepared must. You must look for a SG of 1.113-1.1123, and a PA of 15.
6. If the hydrometer reads the proper numbers, allow the must to rest for one day.
7. Combine the yeast nutrient with yeast, some sugar and lukewarm water. This will activate the yeast. Let sit for 20-30 minutes. It should become bubbly and cloudy.
8. Incorporate the yeast mixture into the fermentor and cover, without mixing.
9. For best results, temperatures must be between 18°C-24°C. Once two days elapse, mix the fermenting must once or twice a day to ensure even fermentation, for 5-7 days.
10. Test the mixture in a hydrometer for a SG of 1.03.
11. Eliminate any pulp from the top using a strain. Make sure to remove any liquid that has been left behind in the pulp.
12. Use a hose to siphon the wine into a secondary fermentor. Once again, top with water to 5-½ gallon marker and equip the carboy with a wet airlock. Allow to ferment for another 4-6 weeks.
13. Siphon the wine once more.
14. Use a fining agent, such as 6 ½ teaspoons of Sparkalloid to clarify the wine.
15. At this stage, maintain wine at temperatures between 5-10 degrees Celsius.
16. Before you bottle, you should taste the wine for sweetness. If you decide to add more sugar, make it into syrup so that it thoroughly dissolves in the wine. To stop any yeast being awakened by the sugar, add a dose of crushed Campden tablets or sodium bisulfite. If adding sugar, allow to rest for at least one week before you bottle.
Choosing an American Wine
Posted onChoosing an American wine is something that you can easily do when you put some time and effort into it. Learning more about the origins American wine and where it comes from, will help you to get a better idea of the type of variety that you would like to choose. With over 300 years of history as well as production taking place in all fifty states, there is a lot to learn about American wines; more than you might imagine in fact.
American Wine Producers
The United States is the fourth largest producer of wine in the world with California being the State that produces the most. There are several native species of grapes that grow in America on more than 1,100,000 acres distributed across around 3,000 vineyards. There is at least one vineyard in every state.
The majority of wine production occurs on the West Coast in the states of California, Washington and Oregon. Other top wine producing states include Idaho, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina.
The regulation of American wines is controlled by the Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. In order for a wine to be labelled with a County Appellation, 75% of the grapes must come from within that county. If grapes are from numerous counties then it must be labelled as a multi-county wine. This can vary from state to state. In California a County Appellation must be 100% of the grapes and in Texas it is 85%.
As far as having a year on the label, in the US 95% of the grapes in the wine must come from the specified year in order for that year to appear on the label. All labels must also list the alcohol percentage. A Varietal label requires 75% of the grapes to be varietals.
Choosing a Wine
Now that you know the specifics about where wine is grown and how it is labeled, you can actually begin to look at the wines from individual areas. It can help to have a bit of information about each region and what to expect from a wine from a specific region.
California is probably the leading producer of excellent wines in the country. The climate and land in California makes for the perfect growing conditions for outstanding grapes. California produces the Bordeaux grape variety that is used to produce the famous California Cabernet Sauvignon.
Zinfandel is another popular wine produced in the country. This is an affordable wine that is produced in many different varieties, from white to blush to red.
Choosing the best American wine comes down to a matter of taste. Price cannot always dictate what will taste the best to you. You have to get out there and try them out. One of the best ways to sample wines from all over the country is to go to wineries and do tastings in each region. This will give you a very good idea of what wines will appeal the most to you.
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