Tag: Wine
Wood Wine Racks
Posted onMany people enjoy the occasional bottle of a really good wine every now and then and even those who aren’t big wine drinkers like to keep a bottle or two on hand for unexpected guests. However, few people want to leave a bottle sitting in their refrigerator or kitchen cabinet for months on end, but don’t want to buy a large rack for just a few bottles. In such cases, wood racks can provide the perfect solution.
Wood wine racks come in various sizes and styles from small classy looking chest type racks that hold that one extra special bottle to those that literally hold hundreds while adding a bit of interest, class and/or usefulness to your home. For most people having a smaller wood rack will both meet their needs and their budgets.
Types And Styles Of Wooden Wine Racks
Wood wine racks come in a variety of types and styles suiting almost every need and personal sense of style. There are both large and counter top racks that are just that, racks that hold your bottles and do nothing more. However, there are also wooden racks that can hold your wine and also add attractiveness and usefulness to your homes decor.
Stands with wine racks built into them are becoming increasingly popular as these stand / racks usually have a top that you use as a miniature bar for pouring your wine and often even drawers for keeping things like corkscrews and other small items right at your finger tips. Some even have table tops and storage bins, while others may even have their own cutting board for those occasional wine and cheese parties.
These stand racks are a great way to store it properly while adding a bit of usefulness and attractiveness to your home decor.
Other people enjoy the chest wooden wine racks, that are actually a chest with a place to store a few bottles attractively in the bottom while providing storage in the top of the chest. These type of wood racks look exceptionally nice in a dining room where you can use the chest to store your table linen and display your few bottles in an attractive way. They also look great in a game room as well.
Buying Wood Wine Racks
When shopping for wood racks you will want to purchase one that is attractive and designed to hold the number of bottles you want to keep on hand while considering your homes decor and your own personal sense of style. Keep in mind that in most cases you don’t need a wine rack that is outrageously expenses and that there are many beautiful wooden racks that run in the $ 100.00 to $ 500.00 range that can serve your purpose quite well.
Always remember that when looking for a nice rack to store it, you can often find just what you are looking for Online often for a better price than you will find in local stores and nothing is more enjoyable as having the perfect wine storage at a great price, unless you are sipping a great bottle.
Red Wine Supplement – Benefits of Resveratrol
Posted onWe have accepted for quite some time now that wine is good for our well-being. It only seems sensible then, that experts would try to discover how to take out the main element in it that has been linked to long life and many other fitness advantages. The red wine supplement is presently available in pill form and you can obtain its advantages with no negative results of the alcohol.
The supplement is being admired in common media at the same time by the technical and health societies. A short time ago, experts have made public accounts that when obese rodents were fed with the supplement, they did not increase weight. Moreover, rodents that were fed with the supplement in different researches enhanced heart and lung activity that placed them in a category equal to running athletes. But, maybe the most stimulating thing about the researches is the results of the supplement in rodents which was delaying and even undoing the aging course of action.
Truly, rodents that were fed with the supplement in these technical researches ceased revealing the indications of aging. A few even showed proof of the restoration of youthfulness. This is extremely stirring information in the field of longevity researches.
For a long time, experts have researched the Mediterranean and French diets to discover why individuals in these regions of the globe have few ailments than Americans. A common denominator in equally Mediterranean and the French diet is the wine and dark grapes. This caused researchers to dig further at the beneficial elements in wine.
Red wine supplement will reduce the speed of aging procedure including hair and skin restoration. It combats free radicals and helps in the avoidance of many age-connected sicknesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It boosts physical endurance and it helps in weight reduction and control, and most of all, it does not have any negative results.
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Supplements and Red Wine – Highest in Resveratrol?
Posted onRed wine is highest in Resveratrol. A short time ago, it has drawn immense appeal in correlation with the alleged “French Paradox” which has extensively mystified medical science. As a Polyphenol form Flavonoid, it is at any rate an incredibly helpful antioxidant, however, many at this point assume it also to be the clarification of the more or less little incidences of cardiovascular ailment benefited in France in spite of a general diet habitually full of cholesterol and saturated fat. The French, naturally, are accepted as excessive drinkers of alcohol, specifically in the type of red wine.
A fresh study turns up to have proven that the intake of alcohol in restraint gives considerable defense for the cardiovascular system. It may even lessen the occurrence of connected ailments by in so far as thirty percent. There is an excellent proof, however, that the substance which is nearly exceptional to red wine may give advantages which go far beyond those which can be made clear by the results of the alcohol single-handedly.
However, there are still other benefits of the substance than this. It is acknowledged that some possible damaging elements in the body do not turn out to be carcinogenic except and until they are metabolized by certain enzymes. The substance has been proven in some clinical studies to aid avoid the action of these enzymes and it gives the impression to be possible that it may consequently have a few defensive results from particular cancers. The substance has also been proven in laboratory to slow down the propagation of chromosome injured cells, which have the possibility to develop into cancer, and to permit period to restore or take away chromosome injured cells before fast and damaging propagation can happen.
Persistent cancer growth depends on focused enzymes to permit them to conquer fit tissues and also requires creating their own blood source if they are to grow. The substance has been discovered in the laboratory to have avoiding results on both these procedures, maybe mainly due to it anti-inflammatory features. Conventional view however, now upholds that more far-reaching tests are necessary beyond the laboratory prior to any shielding results of Resveratrol from cancer can be clearly ascertained.
Why You Need a Red Wine Aerator
Posted onOxidization or aeration is the process of mixing oxygen into a freshly opened bottle of wine. This process ensures that flavours and essential oils meld together, mellowing and rounding out any harsh or tart elements in younger wines. Traditionally, this was done by decanting a bottle into a wide bottomed vessel and leaving it to air for several hours. Thankfully, a new gadget has come on the market that decreases the time needed to mellow your glass or bottle of wine, in minutes, not hours – this is a wine aerator.
Vineyards and restaurants have adopted the gadgets wholeheartedly – they’re often pulled out at wine tastings, where many bottles need to be served at once. Aerators run around the $ 30 mark, with polycarbonate and glass options, in a variety of designs and styles. Aerators work in several ways, some with single chambers that “bubble” the air into the wine, others separate the liquid into streams, increasing air contact as the wine pours through and along the sides of the glass or carafe. The main culprit in the tart or strong flavors in your favorite red are tannins.
Tannins are “flavinoids” in wine that have that bitter, mouth drying sensation. Tannins come from grape skins, stems and seeds, which is why red wines have more tannin than whites – the skins give the wine its dark colour. Tannins are also added by contact with oak or other woods in the wine barrels themselves, though to a much lesser degree. Since tannins have antioxidant properties, they play a key role in the ageing process of wines. As red wines mature, the tannins accumulate together and settle to the bottom of the bottles in a light film of sediment. (This is why you should always watch that last glass of red…the sediment can be very bitter)
Maceration time has a huge impact on the amount of tannin in your wine, and different varieties are known for their heavy tannic properties when young. Wines made from Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon are known to have stronger tannins, like Bordeaux, Barolo and Port. Italian wines and French wines from Burgundy have less tannin, as do Pino Noirs, Roijas and Beaujolais. Regardless of your preference, most young reds will benefit from a swirl through your favourite aerator – whether it’s a bubbler or a streamer. An added bonus to aeration – you can keep that bottle longer, enjoying a single glass at a time instead of decanting an entire bottle.
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Holiday Turkey and Wine
Posted onThis past Thanksgiving we were blessed to be invited to a dear friend’s house. This was the first time in years that we were just able to enjoy the feast and company of friends without the messy clean-up that comes with entertaining in our own home. I did not have to stuff the turkey or roll up my sleeves at the sink trying to get the baking pan clean. My joy was short lived when my wife made the Thanksgiving announcement that, “Everyone is invited to our house for a big December holiday feast”. There was a resounding cheer at the gathering from everyone at the table. Hands were raised and voices heard to say, “We will be there”. At the last count we had fifteen couples, my daughter, two grandkids and one obnoxious “grand-dog” called Bones.
When December rolled around, my wife started preparations immediately. First, we had to do spring cleaning in December, which included walls, furnace registers, base boards, floors, etc. The next step was the obligatory decorations that needed to be scattered around the house, including an ornate light display for the outside that had me untangling and hanging lights for days. I was sent to the Party Store to rent tables, chairs and huge serving platters for the food. My final assignment was to get “The Birds” and the wine to go with it. I was beginning to wish we had entertained at Thanksgiving.
Before I left to do the shopping, my wife told me, “Make sure you talk to someone at the wine store so you get the right wine to compliment the turkey”. I said, “Why didn’t you ask everyone to bring their own wine, instead of us risking that we wouldn’t buy their favorite?” My wife raised her voice at least one octave and replied, “We are doing the entertainment so it is our responsibility not theirs and besides I want everything to be just perfect”. I love my wife dearly and I have learned when it is best to just say, “Yes Dear”. Before I left, I hopped on the computer and did my research so I could portray to the wine store clerk how knowledgeable I was about pairing turkey with wine. I didn’t want to embarrass myself at the wine store.
The general consensus from the web research was for a lighter red (not over burdened with tannins) or several white wines that tended to be fruity and slightly sweeter. Another caution, that seems well advised, is during dinner stick with wines lower in alcohol content. Northhamptonwines.com stated, “Save the 15 percent alcohol ‘in your face Zins’ for after dinner when it is OK for folks to go to sleep.”
The top choices I found for red wine lovers were Pinot Noir, Merlot, Shiraz and Red Zinfandel. White wine enthusiasts might enjoy a Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Beaujolais Nouveau or White Burgundy. If some of your guests have a sweet-tooth, then try White Zinfandel or Cranberry Wine. Save the desert wines for after the main meal when it is time to devour the pumpkin and pecan pie.
Not everyone is a wine drinker. I also ran across some advice for people for pairing turkey with beer and cocktails. The consensus was that a beer should be complex but not over bearing. A good choice might be pale ale from one of the smaller breweries. Another website suggested that for the cocktail drinkers, gin cocktails like an English Rose, Park Avenue or Verbena Martini would work.
I went to the wine store and made my selections with an air of “I know what I am doing”. When I arrived home my wife said, “What wine did you decide on?” I smiled and told her, “One of each, a total of 12 bottles”. She exclaimed, “We won’t be able to serve all that wine at dinner!” I responded, “I wouldn’t think of doing that. I am going to raffle off any that we don’t serve.” My wife grabbed her forehead and walked away stating, “What I am I going to do with you.” I let her have the final word and started preparing the raffle tickets.
I always maintain that there are a lot of people that will tell you what wine to pair with what food. In the end, as I always say, buy the wine you like, store wine properly in a wine refrigerator, serve it at the proper temperature and enjoy it immensely.
See Wine and Beverage Storage Solutions: http://idealwinecoolers.com/
See Wine and Beverage Information and Facts: http://winecoolerblog.com/
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