Tasting Time: Exploring The Five Secret Australian White Wine – Wine Tasting Time – Food Industry
Posted onTasting time : Exploring the White Australia Wine Five Secrets
HC food industry network Australian white wine Wine So simple that almost anyone can easily place the bottle. But with the following five tips, when necessary against the Australian white wine to new heights.
Australia Chardonnay (Chardonnay) most abundant and rich
“The Sunshine Bottling” (ABottleofSunshine) is the slogan of Australia to promote their wines, this slogan is not only doing my part to give Australia the most representative of the red grape varieties Syrah (Shiraz), but also can be used to describe Australia The most widely planted white varieties of Chardonnay grapes. Australian Chardonnay and Shiraz in Australia, like enjoying the abundant sunshine and warm climate, coupled with almost all winemakers like to use rubber Barrel Aging them to ferment Chardonnay, so most especially in the higher class of Chardonnay has tropical fruit abundance strong fragrance, the same as mango and pineapple fruit, strong and sweet oak to bring the oil-like texture.
Unwooded / Unoaked cool and fresh Few years ago, Australian Chardonnay oak with a strong sense of meet and conquer the U.S. market, when the locals drink too strong white wine that, when he suddenly realized, “Do we want our white wine is more refreshing it? “
Consequently, in Australia there is a different trend in the U.S. market in the United States, after the white wine oak aging Americans will be particularly marked in the wine marked, while in Australia, they have not been particularly marked oak Barrel aging (written for the “Unwooded” or “Unoaked”), means that: “This does not mean wine or low, but this wine make you feel cooler!”
Riesling afraid of acid, then there must be surprises
Australia, a large number of immigrants from Germany, naturally they bring the most pride in the German grape varieties Riesling, sometimes to show their German origin, but also as the “Rhine Riesling” (RhineRiesling ). Although Australia’s climate was warmer than in Germany, does not seem suitable for the cultivation of Riesling, but appropriate for early harvest of this species will allow to maintain the excellent inherent acidity. Australian Riesling fruit as his home in Germany or France Alsace wine more rich, but to wear off the tongue and the structure is really strong and sharp acidity. The total acidity too serious not to drink alcohol at home to challenge about it.
Sauvignon Blanc (SauvignonBlanc), fresh and simple
Reputation of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is more loud than Australia did not expect that from Australia, the species spread in the past will “wall of red.” Of course, this first benefit from the cool climate of New Zealand more than Australia. In Australia, although there are many breweries brewing Sauvignon Blanc, but usually brief light, color, and water is almost the same, with cool pure light grassy acidity. Australian winemakers seem to agree, “Sauvignon Blanc = light Spirit . “
Hunter Valley Semillon (Semillon) quite a lot of vintage ability When the famous British female
Wine Tasting Found a new home JancisRobinson produced by South Wales Hunter Valley Semillon (Semillon) after white wine charm, which was once ignored by many varieties of wine experts, has finally come to prove himself to say: “I can spawn high-end dry Spirit . “Thanks to the Hunter Valley’s unique climate and soil conditions, Semillon lest (Grave) outside the best dry white wine, or even the world’s best single variety Semillon dry white wine. one of the top grade, you will find when you put it 10 years later, it remains fresh and palatable.
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