Wine Storage Units
Posted onWine is one of the more popular alcoholic drinks today because it goes with almost any type of food, can be served at any party and is easy to store. If you are an infrequent wine drinker, one who only has one bottle in the house at a time, then you do not need to purchase a wine cooler or build a wine cellar. Instead, you can store that one bottle of wine in your refrigerator or cabinet, replacing it when it is empty. On the other hand, avid wine collectors need to be able to store their wine when it is open so it does not go bad. You will also need to store the wine before it is opened so you do not have wine bottles in random spots all over the house.
The first option for wine storage is a wine cooler. Wine coolers come in all types of shapes, sizes, colors and prices. Deciding on which wine storage units to purchase depends on how often you enjoy wine. If you have more than five unopened bottles in your house at a time, purchasing a medium sized wine cooler is your best bet. If you have less than five unopened bottles at a time then you should purchase a small cooler. If you have more than 10 unopened bottles of wine in your home then you should purchase a large wine cooler to store all of those bottles and keep them cool at the same time.
Wine is not just for consumption anymore these days. In fact, hobbyists across the country purchase wine bottles as an investment. Some wine collectors have bottles of wine in their cellar that are over 30 years old, some even older than that. These collectors usually do not drink this wine. Instead, they hold onto it until it reaches a certain value, then they turn it around and sell it for a profit to other collectors. When you purchase a wine cooler, no matter its size, the humidity of the cooler should sit at 70 percent. The cooler can be kept at temperatures 10 degrees either above or below the 70 percent mark. If the humidity were to dip below 50 percent, the corks can shrink, allowing air into the bottle and ruining the wine.
If you are an avid wine drinker or collector, and have hundreds of bottles of wine in your home, it might be in your best interest to purchase a wine cooler and have a wine cellar built in your home. The wine cooler will hold ten bottles that you plan to drink soon and the cellar will hold the remainder of your collection. A wine cellar costs thousands of dollars to build but will keep your wine collection safe from harm and fresh. When you store wine in a wine cellar you should keep the temperature between the degrees of 68-73 so the wine stays fresh and does not lose its luster. You should also not move the wine once it is placed in the cellar. Have shelves built that hold bottles of wine in a specific pattern so you do not have to move one bottle to get to another.